View Full Version : so scared

24-11-08, 22:15
ive suffered anxiety and panic for about 7 years now-i still remember my first panic attack (think its something you never forget) it was in a busy shopping mall and i just had to get outside quick and i then felt 'better' after few mins.
anyway things got worse when i had my first child about a year after.......id worry 'what if something happens to her' or what if something happens to me while im out with her' and now i have 3 children and 1 due just after xmas!
but my anxiety is really bad lately. i must admit im forever worried the baby is ok and am very worried about the birth.
this afternoon my husband and i were in argos with the 3 kids and i was moaning to hubby about one of our children and i all of a sudden came over really dizzy and was very scared as i was holding my youngest and i just felt well and truely wierd :weep: i just wanted to run out the shop but i didnt.
also for the past few days now ive been getting bad pulpitations :weep: like an ectopic heartbeat and im worrying about that.

im so so upset about this whole thing i dont even want my hubby to go to work anymore as im scared in a way to be on my own :weep:

25-11-08, 07:38
your post pretty much deescribes me except i have two children pregnant with my third. I actually ended up going to the maternity unit a couple of weeks ago convinced there was something awful wrong with me and/or baby - of course there wasnt it was panic :blush:

have you spoken to your doctor since being pregnant? If not then my doctor has been really helpful (finally after 2 years +) . he will arrange for your health visitor to visit - mine is coming today so i dont know how useful that is yet lol

how far along are you? I am 27 weeks

25-11-08, 08:45
hey sophie
thanks for your reply and congrats on your pregnancy! im 32 weeks.
i have seen gp in early stages of pregnancy and she wanted to take me off the meds completely!!!! i said no way! i only take 5mg every evening of cipralex.
havent seen gp since though.
tbh im scared to say to much to gp incase they think im insane and take my kids away :( :(
well done on getting the courage to speak to your gp-i admire you in doing so. let me know how it goes with the hv xxxx

25-11-08, 09:43
I have never been on any medications for anxiety because I am also scared of medications (pathetic I know) even my children were born with no pain relief whatsoever even though especially for my second I was offered it ( he was an induction and I was enough of a wreck because of the drip!). Congratulations on your pregnancy.,not long to go until the whole thing is over. I am terrified of the birth in one way but in another I just want to get there safely. I had problems with both of my previous children and I'm just tefrrified of every appointment in case they find something wrong!

Do you know if you are having a boy or girl?


25-11-08, 12:00
omg you sound just like me!!
i am also scared of taking any meds (except my cipralex and even then every night i check the pill looks 'right') and i have also never had any pain relief with my 3 births not even gas and air as im scared of what it might do to me :lac:!! i am forever checking my blood pressure with a monitor i have at home just making sure its just right!
ive read a few of your posts and we sound very simialr.
i am so so scared of the birth and will hang on at home as long as possible.

im having a girl, do you know what your having?