View Full Version : tingling/pins and needles

25-11-08, 01:19
hey, all day today i have had tingling sensations and pins and needles in my hands, i'm really worried about it and it's doing my head in. any idea what could be causing it? could it be serious? im getting quite stressed about it.
Please reply
Luv Louise

25-11-08, 01:47
I've been getting pins and needles and tingling recently, i also twitch alot too

25-11-08, 13:55
I had this. Was caused by hyperventilating, which causes low CO2 levels in the blood. Is harmless, and mine went away when I stopped thinking about my breathing.

25-11-08, 14:26
I got this big time last night when I went to bed. The more I thought about it the worse I got. In the end my heart was pumping and my mouth was so dry I thought I was choking. It went away after a while though. I know it's hard not to think of it, but try and calm yourself and it will pass.