View Full Version : Ectopic heartbeats causing me so much anxiety!

Barbie Doll
25-11-08, 05:24
Hi, I'm new here. I found this site while googling info on ectopic heartbeat which I suffer from. I've had this thing all my life but the last year or so it has got so much worse (I'm 52 y.o. female.) As I sit here posting this, I am wearing an event monitor as it got so bad yesterday and today (every few minutes, coming in 2's and 3's etc.) that I left work and went to the nearest emergency room and insisted that they give me a monitor. I've had lots of tests done in the past, echo, stress test, ekg, holter, etc all normal, but those damned skipped beats have never been caught when I've been wired up to the monitors. Anyway it's calmed down again now that I'm home but for once I actually hope for I get a few of these episodes while I'm wearing this monitor.

I've read lots of previous posts here and find comfort just knowing I'm not alone with this wretched thing. It does help as my family just don't understand my fear - my husband tells me to ignore it, as the doctor has said it can't do me any damage. No help when in the grip of an episode and feeling terrified. Anyway, good to get it off my chest (so to speak!)

I'd certainly be interested in hearing any ideas for natural remedies? I also wonder if the increase has something to do with hormones/menopause.

Nice to meet you all.


25-11-08, 08:47
Hi Barbie Doll,

I understand the concern you have for these ectopics.
A few months back I went on a monitor but not much showed up.
When the cardioligist received the report he said ectopics are benign and to stop worrying.
On a previous occasion the monitor showed up over 3000 ectopics for the 24 hour period.Again the cardio said everything is ok.I am 64 year old male and they have not given me other heart problems.
Good luck in trying to solve the mystery of ectopics,and try not to worry.
I am in Melbourne.
Good luck.

Veronica H
25-11-08, 16:55
hi Barbie Doll
:welcome: to NMP. There has been a lot of discussion on this site about the link between menopause/hormone changes and panic/anxiety. Many believe there is a link, I am convinced that my anxiety tipped over into panic attacks because of this, I am 49. Glad you have found us.


25-11-08, 21:04
:welcome: to NMP, I am fairly new here and finding it to be a lovely supportive group, chat is fun too!

Barbie Doll
26-11-08, 00:16
Thanks everyone for your kind words. Your support and understanding helps so much. So glad I found this site.

PS..Since being hooked up to event monitor yesterday, only one little ectopic.....Never thought I'd complain about that!

26-11-08, 01:18
I have ectopic beats. And they could not catch them at first either. And around my menstraul cycle they would get worse so i do believe menapause has something to do with it. I was out of work for 7 years. I just went back.Cause i was always at the hospital with these beats. I am 37 years old i was searching and found out as i was watching Dr. Becknor health show to take co q 10 with L carentine and omega 3 6 9. And i was scared to but i started taking it 6 months ago and i am back at work and my beats are 95% better. I also do not eat sugar, chocalate , no coke, no energy drinks, no caffeine, because all these trigger the ectopic beats. Which the Doctors deny some of it. I was watching 48 hours and a 37 year old man died from missed beats. So that is something to worry about. I have really study up on this. and i have done all these things and i am finally back at work after 7 years....Try these natrual vitamins and watch what u eat and u will be able to live again...message me if you need more information...hope u feel better..Kaynbrian..:yesyes:

Barbie Doll
26-11-08, 05:11
Thanks Kaynbrian
I avoid caffeine, alcohol, chocolate :( as I know these all make it worse, and have been to a naturopath who put me on a special diet (no sugar, no refined carbs, all protein, vegetables, grains, nuts etc.) and supplements for adrenal support, not specifically for the ectopics, just general anxiety disorder. No change to ectopics, but I did feel better (no bloated tummy.)

I work fulltime as an Exec Assistant which is full on and stressful, even though my boss is a lovely man, it is long hours and lots of deadlines, as well as a family to look after with all the stress that young adult males still at home brings!

So I end up falling in a heap every so often which is what's happening to me now I'm sure, but I'm so stressed about missing work and what to tell my boss - it's making it worse I'm sure. Anyway am going to drag myself in to office tomorrow, even though I'm scared stiff of the ectopic episodes happening there. What makes it worse this time is my old friend Valium has let me down, I used to take just a 1/4 tablet when I felt anxious after ectopics and it would take the edge off, but hasn't helped at all over past couple of days, haven't taken any today. I feel like I've lost my 'security blanket.'

I'm interested in all the supplements and will check it all out once I get results of this event monitor back next week.

Wish me luck getting through next couple of days at work, thx all for listening.....Barbie Doll

26-11-08, 09:15
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

26-11-08, 22:58
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

27-11-08, 13:11
Hi Guys
I,m a 38 yr old male i,ve been getting ectopic beats for years now i have had 2 ablation procedures to try and get rid of them with no luck.I have tried heaps of different medications and there still here.All i can say to anyone else who has these is try and get on with life as they havent hurt me yet and i know they wont. They use to scare the s**t out of me to the point i would run to the hospital we all need to get through our heads that there is nothing doctors can do and they are harmless so please people dont let these stupid beats ruine our lives i dont anymore.
Cheers Brad

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