View Full Version : Sheer panic blood in spit

25-11-08, 09:05
Ok, i wrote a really long post on here last night about how low i am at the moment bless shakey he really helped me out last night. I turned off my pc and literally cried my eyes out for about 40 mins my boyfriend was very good and just held me for all that time. Woke up this morning and first thing i noticed was my lips were cracked and bloody and my nose was stuffy. I got up and brushed my teeth, i then got that awful blocked feeling in the back of my throat so ( sorry TMI) I hacked up the phelgm and it was very bloody well i nearly had a panic attack there and then! i calmed down and blew my nose and that was really really bloody. Would this be why i had blood in my phlegm? i didnt cough so i am trying not to link it to lung cancer but i am terrified. Could it be the heating as i live in a freezing house and always wake up stuffy, i know its not a cold. I have been having nose bleeds for about 3 months just when i blow but i have put that down to being pregnant. Please help me rationalise this :weep: xx

25-11-08, 09:17
hey there
i had similar thing last week-well everything you discribed apart from a nose bleed.
like you i was extremely worried but i managed to calm myself down and it didnt happen after that and it was only streaks of blood.its not happened since.
nose bleeds are common in pregnancy, im 32 weeks pregnant.
try not to worry hun easier said than done i know xxx

25-11-08, 09:23
Hi Mummy 4, so it was in your phlegm too? Wow congrats on the baby i am 32 weeks today :) do you know what your having


25-11-08, 09:53
If you have a nosebleed it is totally normal to have blood in your spit. The blood runs down from your nose into your your throat and simply mixes with your spit. When I was a teenager I went through about a year of getting alot of quite serious nosebleeds and had to see a specialist who told me this was normal and the best thing to do is spit it out because swallowing alot of blood ( I had serious nose bleeds!) would make you throw up.

I wouldn't worry too much your lips were probably cracked because your nose was stuffed up and you were breathing through your mouth. And you are right nosebleeds, gum bleeds etc are more common in pregnancy.

Contrats on the pregnancy I am 27 weeks with my third :)

Hope that helps!


25-11-08, 10:38
Awww you guys are all pregnant, that will make for great conversations between you all. !!!! Redballons is spot on with the blood, I have also had that when I had a cold.

You guys will have to keep in contact, how nice

25-11-08, 11:47

just to say I had this many, many times and I agree with others who said you had a nosebleed in the night and that went down your throat and came back up in the morning. For some silly reason I had more nosebleeds when I was worried about throat cancer, I had this two-three times a week. Strangely when I got over the throat cancer thing, the nosebleeds went too... weird.
You're fine!:hugs:


25-11-08, 14:06
i had nosebleeds when i was pregnant too, i dont normally suffer with them, coughing up blood is what started my anxiety so i know that sheer panic feeling, a while ago i had tonsillitis and i had bloody flem, i was so freeked outm i kept spitting all day to check it, when mine went my dh had it and he had the same too. i dont think its anything to worry about hun, i mean its only spit or flem from your nose or throat, its not being brought up from your chest. you'll be fine, take care and relax whilst u can before the little bundle arrives

Leanne x

25-11-08, 16:48
hi tash

i had nose bleeds in pregnancy too its quite normal, also if you have had a nose bleed you will have blood in your spit thats quite normal too when you have had a bloody nose, you are fine hunny:yesyes:

25-11-08, 17:26
Tash its like we're twins we have similar symptoms and worries i get this alot also and all the doctors i went to just keep asking have i eaten any sharp food (honestly)? I said no i cut back eating the razor blades and i dont snack on scissors anymore either, they didnt appreciate the sarcasm. Then my new doctor said it was probably due to my capillaries in my nose rupturing when i blow it, i have chronic rhinitis and it slowly trickles down my throat.

25-11-08, 17:37
Hi Guys, i just wanted to say thank you for all your repsonses i was having an ok day today and have put down this mornings 'incident' to stuffyness, nosebleed and pregnancy. Well i was ok until i read bbc news website and clicked on the health section :doh: why o why o why. Going home from work now and i am going to try and stay off the internet as i cant be trusted


25-11-08, 17:43
google is not your friend lol