View Full Version : Mornings

25-11-08, 09:30
I find that throughout the day I can calm myself down and rationalise - but then every single morning I wake up panicked and worried, and this continues for a few hours - I'm trying to revert to the happy person I was when I went to sleep last night but I'm finding it really hard!

Stupid smoking - stupid worry!

Does anyone else get this? How do you calm back down? Otherwise I'm stuck like this until later this evening.

Thanks, Laura :(

25-11-08, 10:14
Hi Laura,
Im had a week of these feelings at the moment. I have put it down to some outside influences causing me to worry, I haven't been sleeping as well and wake feeling quite shaky, dizzy and slightly anxious. I usually have Claire Weekes book by the side of the bed and read a chapter or two of that.
I have come to learn that I should'nt expect too much too soon of myself and to just go with the flow and let time pass.

25-11-08, 11:59
i'm the same, especialy lately,not sleeping too well and i'm a natural worrier,wake up feeling uninspired,i put myself into my hobbies and interests and it keeps me going.

25-11-08, 16:59
I wake up in a complete panic. I just force myself to keep busy then the worst usually passes, until I am left with general unease.

25-11-08, 17:55
yeah I do. I even started a thread about it, mornings and nights are the worst during the day its tolerable

26-11-08, 10:00
I totaly understand where you are comming from, i am trying to control the anxitey in the morning as well it puts a damper on the whole day, what i usually do to offset this is turning up the music really loud and just imersing myself into it , and i usually get distracted and the anxitey lowers. I would suggest listening to somthing up beat and postive, ie feeling good by micheal buble, up by shania twain, or unwritten natasha bettingfeild, just somthing thats motivational and really gets you going.
hope that helps