View Full Version : Anyone else just feel randomly upset?

25-11-08, 09:30
Sometimes....my anxiety symptoms can go for a while....but I really dont understand why some mornings I wake up and I feel really upset! I don't know why im upset...and i cant think of any reasons for it...does anyone else feel like this?!

thanks in advance

anx mum
25-11-08, 09:36
Yeah i can get upset my mood feels pretty low sometimes i can cry and cry.

Diane O'Brien
25-11-08, 10:54
Definately yes at the minute. Some songs can have me in floods of tears. I have noticed I feel better after a good cry and a little calmer. Theres one advert on the tele that makes me upset, its not even a sad advert, its advertising cars its just the song. I,m a deep thinker gotta chill a bit.

25-11-08, 12:32
im the same lucy
could cry at anything

25-11-08, 13:14
oh yes im the same - things could be going well and ill just feel sad and low - im glad im not alone

25-11-08, 14:36
thanks guys....
i was beginning to think i was just an idiot!
muchos love xxx

25-11-08, 14:57
I wake up a lot of mornings just feeling low in myself and just want to cry.

25-11-08, 20:25

I think most of us who suffer with anxiety are sensitive souls and are in touch with our feelings more than others and this is why our moods can fluctuate like they do.

Take care,

Laura :)

26-11-08, 11:50
AWW HUN i feel upset alot of the time too..its never ending lol...you know im here if u ever want a chat hun....huggles xxxxxxxxxxxx