View Full Version : Brief 'tingly' feeling in head?

25-11-08, 10:22
Does anyone else experience a brief feeling of tingly feelings in their head? Its happened a few times today and of course I am now starting to panic:unsure:


25-11-08, 10:47
hun see this


best wishes xxx

25-11-08, 10:53
Hi Samantha.
I hope your feeling better now hun, its awful when you feel scared like that, but if you read that link that nick just gave you its amazing how many symptoms are linked to anxiety..i hope it puts your mind at ease.

25-11-08, 11:11
Thanks ladies - the only problem is (and I should have mentioned it in my first post!) was that I wasn't feeling overly anxious :weep: so I hope that is all it is.

Thanks again

25-11-08, 12:35
I believe you dont necessarily have to feel anxious xx

25-11-08, 13:59
ive had this for a few years, i have especially at the moment, my sinus's are bad too at the mo so im putting it down to that. mine feels like its more my scalp than my head and it can be in different places. its like when u get goosebumps when u watch something, if i get goosebumps now it happens to my scalp aswell as my arms. wierd. ive worried about it being alsorts, im hoping coz ive had it a while its nothing.

leanne x

26-11-08, 10:07
Oh my gosh, I have felt those sensations on and off since i was like 12, but i just ignored them, i cant beleive its linked to anxitey ..WOW... i am super suprised i just kind of let it bother me and i never ever told anyone. So, I am another person telling you, that you are not alone ..hope it helps., i dont know about the rest of you who experince this... but dosnt it especially stand out when you are hungary ..or is it just me?

26-11-08, 22:46
Yes, I get this. Usually when I am starting to get better. Weird, it is.

12-12-08, 07:51
this same thing has happened to me for 10-12 years. im 25. ive had mris, everything.. no doc knew what it was. i ignored it forever now it started happening again.. hopefully it is just linked to anxiety