View Full Version : real pain or psychological?

25-11-08, 16:45
hi everyone

just wanting peoples opinions really, is the pain/symptoms we feel real or psychological?

i have had this twinge in my groin area for at least 6 months now it is no worse no other symptoms at all, it isnt there all the time just now and then and not every day it doesnt hurt i can just feel it, the practice nurse has told me not to worry, an std nurse has told me it is fine and an ovarian cancer specialist nurse has told me the pain is not typical of ovarian cancer and i am young even though i know it is rare for young women to get ovarian cancer it can happen.
after i spoke to the ovarian cancer nurse about 6 weeks ago now she reassured me and i didnt feel a twinge at all as far as i can remember but since i had an upset stomach 2 weeks ago its been on my mind and i have felt it, is this real? or is it psychological,

i also felt this twinge over 4 years ago now aswell but i wasnt suffering from HA then so i dont know if i had it all this time until 6 months ago when i became aware of it again?

any advice anyone? i am trying to conquer this HA but just wanting others opinions on if its real or not etc,

thank you for reading this

agent orange
25-11-08, 17:57
hi. check out somatoform disorders. The mind is very powerful. I am battling with this exact problem between mind and symptoms. I wrote a thread on this previously. Click onto my name and then you will find it. I hope it may help?

26-11-08, 09:38
does anyones pain get any worse when they are thinking about it? does it disappear when another symptom appears?

26-11-08, 10:08
Hi Jennie, yes the pains we get are real but because of our anxiety, it can make us think of something that it isn't. My cbt nurse told me that. My pains def get worse when I think about it but when I am busy or something else happens it goes away. xxx

26-11-08, 10:19
are these twinges i get a normal womanly thing?

ive been told by numerous professionals the twinges are nothing to worry about but this HA is telling me different!!

if it was ovarian cancer and ive had these twinges at least 8 months would i have different symptoms by now?

the practice nurse told me not to worry and she said if it was her that was getting the twinges she wouldnt worry, if she was worried she surely would have got a dr to take a look at me? she gave me as much reassurance as she could and said if i needed more then go see dr not because she thought i needed to worry because she said everything i told gave her no cause for concern but fo my own piece of mind?

sorry to be a pain