View Full Version : Worried about my brain - need reassurance!

25-11-08, 20:43
Hi there

Thought I was getting better until I recently convinced myself there is something wrong with my brain!!!

Have had a sore eye for a couple of weeks with the odd weird sensation in the head area. Now have a funny/bitter taste in my mouth. My teeth are absolutely fine and no stomach problems. Have been to the doctor today just to check my eye and to finally have a go at medication. Did not mention the taste thing as I only noticed it this afternoon. Not even sure if it is always there or in my head aagh!!!!:mad:

I just feel so tired of having to continually explain/rationalise to myself - I look healthy and there are no obvious problems. The medication sounds completely scarey and I do not want to attempt them until I feel reassured.

This battle with HA is mentally exhausting and very isolating.......would really welcome and appreciate your replies.

R x

25-11-08, 21:37
hey jasper

could it be sinus? that can give u sore eys and also funny taste

25-11-08, 21:53
hi jasper

does sound like sinus to me ,ave u had a virus latley this time of year aarrhhhh lol

i no how u feel on the outside u look n feel fine but the inside tells a different story oh the joys of ha eh....
im sure ur symtoms will ease soon ....
take care xxxxx caz

25-11-08, 21:57
Thanks for your replies

No not sinus, just a very over active imagination - leading to general terror and upset.

R x

26-11-08, 16:40
Hi, i constantly have a pain around my eyes when i am anxious or going through my worrying phase for a few days. I too think it's sinus related... I also get a loss of taste sort of sensation and feel off food until i feel better. Don't worry it's not your brain! All i know is that worry and stress can bring on plenty of physical symptoms until your body feels truly relaxed which may take 1 day or may take 5 - you just have to keep yourself busy and really try to concentrate on something else until it subsides... C x

26-11-08, 17:42
Hey Rebecca. Sorry to hear you are having a rough time of it at the mo'. Hope it doesn't last too long....
I too get pain around my eyes and a weird taste in my mouth. At first I interpreted the funny taste (and sometimes it is a tinny sort of smell, too) as blood (because I'm a bit phobic of blood...... it might equal lung cancer, or sinus cancer, or something equally sinister!!) - but since there is no blood evident in my spit or snot, I think it is just a sort of stress thing (I hope so, anyway!).

And the pain around my eye comes and goes....... again I think stress can cause that, too. I certainly don't have blocked sinuses.

How are you finding the medication so far? What are you on?

26-11-08, 23:12
Thanks for the replies

Well the medication is Citraploram 10mg - at the moment they are sitting in my drawer, not sure if I can cope with feeling worse - not sure I am that brave!!! Maybe the fear of the meds will shock me back into recovery!!!

Anyway tomorrow is another day of winding myself up!

R x