View Full Version : Greetings

26-11-08, 08:30
Hi All.

As you may have guessed from my username, I'm Gary.

I'm a 26 year old from Nottingham, and have had problems with depression & anxiety (most notably panic attacks) for about 6 years now.

The (very) short, and probably quite common background, was huge amounts of stress at work. I had been working in a call center for about a year when my voice decided to pack up. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that when one is unable to speak, 8 hours a day on the phone isn't viable!

A distinct lack of understanding, and continual harassment from the management got to me without realising. One evening, during a pool match with my local pubs team, I had severe chest pain, nausea and became very dizzy. An ambulance trip to casualty, and a 12-lead ECG later, I was told that I had likley had a panic attack.

I've had those same sensations of chest pain, dizziness, breathlessness and tingling limbs (sound familiar?) countless times since - often more than once per day.

Having lived with such problems for several years, I mostly find myself well equiped to deal with panic attacks these days, so I hope I can offer advice, and the benefit of experience to those who would find it helpful.

Anyway, your attention is no doubt wandering to more interesting things now, so I will leave it at that :)



26-11-08, 09:14
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

26-11-08, 09:24
Hi Gaz

Welcome along to NMP.

You will get lots of support and advice here.


Veronica H
26-11-08, 09:28
:welcome: Gaz, hats off to you for working in a call centre in the first place, as that is a stressful environment anyway.You will find comfort and support here. glad you have found us.


26-11-08, 23:03
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x