View Full Version : hopeless feeling

fed up with it
26-11-08, 12:11
Hi i was wondering if anyone gets a horrible hopeless feeling, i have been going through a bad patch of what i have been told is suicide ocd, where the thoughts seem real but are ocd/anxiety. Then when i get the hopeless thought i then think of suicide. any one have this?

26-11-08, 13:40

I've often had that feeling with depression and anxiety. I feel useless and worthless and often think that everyone would be better off if I was gone. That is usually when my self harming comes into play. I haven't harmed myself in a while though thank god and I pray everyday that I won't get that depressed again. I know it's a horrible feeling and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Hopefully you aren't feeling that bad. I'm sorry to hear you have been going through a bad patch and I hope things get a little better for you soon,


26-11-08, 14:46
Sorry to hear your having a bad time. I was deep down yesterday and today i feel a little better.
EdwardP is right.We all have that hopeless feeling from time to time with depression. Some experience it more than others. Worthlessness is a horrible feeling. But NO ONE is worthless! Sending you a hug:bighug1: or 2:bighug1: :bighug1:.

28-11-08, 16:14

Yes I get this often. Its awful, and hopelessness leads to a sense of desperation. I don't know how to deal with it really, I assume it is just part of my depression, and I often get the morbid thoughts when everything feels hopeless. Thing is I have never acted on the thoughts, or I would be long gone by now. When I feel so hopeless and desperate I feel so vulnerable but also so alone with it. I hope you are doing OK today.


fed up with it
28-11-08, 19:55
Hi thanks for your replies, i can get it bad when i go to do something then i get the hopeless feeling. My gp says even with the suicidal thoughts its all anxiety he doesnt think i have depression:shrug:

28-11-08, 23:33
Don't worry,

We all get these thoughts. Just remember that no one is useless and that we are all put on this earth to serve some purpose. You will feel better soon.

Gp's can sometimes get confused because they don't fully understand what we go through. Sure, they have a medical degree, but some of then haven't experienced the torture that we go through. They think that every case is the same when in reality it isn't.

I would highly suggest that you go for a second opinion if you are still feeling so bad.

Good luck ok?

Edd :)