View Full Version : food poisoning

26-11-08, 13:20
Had food poisoning at weekend combined with a bad cold, was convinced i had meningitis...drove my partner mad though he was a saint!

Since then I've been having dizzyness and this distant feeling, also visual disturbance,like snowey sometimes, and like if i look somewhere my eyes take a while to catch up. Last night in bed this caused my first proper panick attack since July, i do have stressors in my life at the moment but i thought i was on top of them!

can anyone else to relate to this?

char xxx

26-11-08, 13:27

Blimey, i'm not surprised you are still feeling horrible. Having food poisoning OR the cold would be bad enough but having them both together must have been awful.

My anxiety goes through the roof too when i am unwell, because i always imagine it's alot more than it is.

I think your body is just run down because you have been ill but if you are really worried about it then maybe pop along to your doctors for some reasurance.

I hope you feel better soon :flowers:

Love Lisa

26-11-08, 15:18
thanks for your reply, i really hate going to the doctors so i wanted to avoid that, iv just ready this really scary thing on adult botulism, I'm sure this is just anxiety, i need to try and snap myself out of it!

If i still feel this way at the end of the week i'll see my GP, thanks again xxx

Cathy V
26-11-08, 15:30
Cassi, i think also that the feeling you describe about your dizziness and vison is a left over from the food poisoning, which can leave you feeling weak. And because you also had a cold this could explain the head/eyes sensation. If it was a head cold your sinuses are probably affected. In some people the gunk that runs down the back of the throat from the sinuses can also cause a cough which can linger. Give yourself time to recover fully.

Hope you feel better soon...xxx