View Full Version : Feel Really Really Awful!!

18-06-05, 21:19
I am feeling terrible today, i am very very hot and have been sweating constantly despite having all doors and windows open!

I feel very weak, tired, i feel like i am not breathing at all im an asthmatic i've done my peak flow and its a reasonable 350.

My partner is back tomorrow after being away for 2 weeks!

I just feel awful and the last 2 nights i have ha trouble sleeping!

Feel like im going to faint, i have chest pains as well, i am really scared that im going to die a young 23 years old i am really worried cant seem to feel better whatever i seem to do!

18-06-05, 21:37
Hi Andrew,

Sorry to hear you feel so bad. A lot of us don't handle this weather very well sadly, we're just not equipped for it. I am the opposite way where my anxiety feels a lot worse in the winter when I feel cold and shivery. It's not suprising you're feeling scared and anxious especially if you've had trouble sleeping, I find I feel a hell of a lot worse when I sleep badly the night before and I am TRUELY convinced that there are things wrong with me even though the entire week before I've not felt 'too' bad. I'm pretty sure you won't die at 23, you're just having one of the rougher days that we have to endure sadly. Make sure you try to rest, drink plenty of cold water, try and keep yourself cool (maybe a desk fan?) and maybe try the breathing exercises to calm yourself?


18-06-05, 21:46
Hi Andrew, I too have felt really hot, sweaty and anxious all day. Was in town for 3 hours this morning trying to buy fathers day pressi and felt like i was going to faint. Have just come online to see if anyone else feeling the same and read your post. I have just had a cool bath and listened to my relaxation tape. Try and do something that will distract you, when I feel like this I can so easily let my thoughts and feelings get out of hand by stressing about morbid thoughts, you are not going to die! Just let it pass and try not to fight your feelings, I know it's easier said than done. I have noticed there has been alot of posts on here today about anxiety and the weather. Please try to relax, it will go. Feel free to pm me if you want to chat, I really do know how you're feeling! take care, KT x

Be gentle and you will need no strength, be patient and you will achieve all things.

18-06-05, 22:08
Me too Andrew - what do you suggest we do then?


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

18-06-05, 23:16
It's this horrible muggyness!! I hate it!!

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

19-06-05, 01:10
I am sure much of these awful feelings will subside when your partner comes back today.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

19-06-05, 17:48
I hope you're feeling better now. I get the breathing thing you mention at times too. yesterday I breathed fine in the heat and today out of the blue I started hyperventilating. I get asthma too and often wonder if it's my asthma. My asthma nurse told me that asthma affects breathing out more than breathing in. When I feel that I can't breathe it's breathing in which is common when hyperventilating. I take my peak flow if I feel breathless and if it's ok stop worrying. My peak flow is usually 500 and only drops to 450/480 if i get a cold. Sometimes when I hyperventilate it's 550!
Take care,
LJ x

19-06-05, 18:25
hi andrew,
is your partner back yet?
hope you are feeling better today xx

19-06-05, 20:09
Hop your feeling better. It's the weather...

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

19-06-05, 21:10
How do you feel today, although it is just as hot isnt it? Just read another post and magicool was mentioned, I havent heard of it but Im going to look for some tomorrow, maybe it will help you too if the heat makes you worse?
Love Alexis,x

20-06-05, 13:59
Your symptoms sound like that of many people over the past few days.

Try and stay cool, remain calm, in the shade and drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated. Steer clear of alcohol while this sticky period stays put as it enhances dehydration.

Esca xx

20-06-05, 14:40
You feeling any better Andrew.

The heat always makes my anxiety worse if I let it. You just have to try and recognise it for what it is and nothing serious


20-06-05, 14:47
Its still hot today but seems more breezy here. What about you?

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-