View Full Version : im bipolar and PROUD

26-11-08, 19:11
HI im Lisajane Lj for short
im a sufferer of this delibitating condition known as bi-polar dissorder i was diagnosed some 5yrs ago now after i had suffered a massive nervous breakdown after the head docs had evaluated 35yrs of medical notes they decided previous depressive states were infact bipolar disorder alongside a lifetime of ADHD which i am now informed is extremly common in women diagnosed with bipolar disorder thankfully ADHD is now so well known it is diagnosed at a much younger age in people, my "head docs" as i like too call them inform me that women with undiagnosed ADHD often go on in life too develop bipolar dissorder and sadly by the time the diagnosis is given the bipolar dissorder is controlling thier lives, i often feel alone but as a mother of 4 boys i am determined that this condition is recognised in the early stages as it is normally the family that notice the "mania" befor i do, i have found over the last 5yrs that i need too be open and honest with how i am feeling and to not have shame or embarressment about the condition as if i allow shame or embarressment to take hold the "MANIC" episodes are worse, my family who i owe so much have become use to the rapid cycling of my condition i laugh when i should cry or cry whilst im laughing i become secretive and angry and god do i become frustrated and pray for just 1 "normal" day lol as if really know what normal is, but despite all of the difficulties i experience through the bi-polar disorder i have raised 4 wonderfull sons who are intellectually strong and show complete empathy for those less fortunate than themselfs, i am proud of this and sometimes ask myself would my children be the well rounded individuals they are if i could have gone out too work every day would they be as kind and caring if i had not have been at home with them too dry thier tears so for me the success of these 4young men has been down too my bi-polar disorder i have learnt too be thankfull for what i have and am proud of myself for what i have achieved. god bless Lj:smile:

26-11-08, 19:34
Hi lj

Blimey what a story hun.

A very warm welcome to NMP and i hope we can offer you lots of advice and support. :flowers:


26-11-08, 19:37
those four lads sound a credit to their mum, well done on doing such a good job which is not easy in this world at the moment.

I had a breakdown in Feb of this year and went back to work in June but sadly in Oct I became ill again and have had to take some time off now and take meds.

I am slowly getting things back together which is not easy being the mum of three kids and having a full time job.

Welcome to NMP you will meet loads of people on here who can empathise with you.

Lots of Love


26-11-08, 19:45
hi heather take time for yourself dont run befor you can walk is an age old phrase for a reason, after my breakdown i returned too work as a airport security officer not wanting too believe or listen if im honest too what the docs were telling me i ran befor i could walk and subsequently fell again with hindsight i should have listened if only we could be born with hindsight, take care of yourself i will keep you in my prayers
god bless Lj

Veronica H
26-11-08, 19:49
:welcome: LJ, I think you have done a great job with your boys, and you are right about not trying to hide who you are from your family, as a family needs to be there for each other. Glad you have found us, you will find comfort and support here.


26-11-08, 23:10
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

27-11-08, 00:05
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

27-11-08, 09:45
Hi there

what an inspiring story - you sound fab