View Full Version : Trying not to lose my job...

26-11-08, 23:22
I've called in sick all this week and three days of last week.

I keep having panic attacks at work, they come on from fear that I am having a heart problem.

Any advice?

27-11-08, 03:20
Have you had an ECG from your normal dr and/or seen a cardiologist? Maybe you need your mind put at rest about your heart.

27-11-08, 09:17
I am sure if you hsve a sicknote for your absense it would be against the law for you to lose your job. Just relax and get better yyou can always get another job. Health is the most important thing in the world.

27-11-08, 11:26
I've called in sick all this week and three days of last week.

I keep having panic attacks at work, they come on from fear that I am having a heart problem.

Any advice?

Here in the UK you can get a doctor to sign you off sick for at least a couple of weeks. That's what happened to me when I had my breakdown a year ago. It was an awful time for me but at least I didn't have to make the decision every day, "Do I go into work today or not?"

Sorry, that's maybe not much help. Here in the UK you have to be off sick I tihnk for a very long time before your employer is allowed to sack you, but I don't know the situation in America :\

Best wishes,


28-11-08, 01:08
I am in the US, California specifically.

I was signed off by a doctor for one week, but I stayed out an additional week already. (My employer did give me permission to do this, but I am still a bit worried.)