View Full Version : Hypothyroidism & Panic Attacks plus my personal story

27-11-08, 07:00
I'm sort of new here. I was just wondering if anyone here has hypothyroidism or has knows of any correalation between anxiety and thyroid problems. I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism a couple years ago but I didn't think my symptoms were that bad at all so I stopped taking the medication. I didnt notice any problems.

My Panic attacks stemmed from the first time they my blood was drawn I passed out. Not scared not worried but they said I was dehydrated and thats why I passed out. When I went back to get more blood drawn I had a fear that the same thing would happen causing panic :(

I connected the dizziness I felt with the fear that I would pass out I had no problems with anything but blood drawing.

A couple years later I got married and during the ceremony I felt suddenly got a nagging thought of "What if I pass out" which made me begin to panic. Luckily I was able to calm myself down but still felt some anxiety.

One year later - 6 months ago- I felt hot and dizzy while driving. I had to pull over and have my mom take over driving. This scared the crap out of me and my mind began to doubt that I could keep things together when driving at all. I am afraid of passing out while driving or shopping in the store or in the movie theater. My mind now rushes to horrible thoughts of what could happen if I lose control durring a panic attack. Would I have to get rushed to the hospital? Will my body decide to stop breathing? Will I pass out? The stupid thing is none of those things has happened to me. I only get paniced and rush into that fight or flight feeling where I dont feel safe where I'm at anymore. Eventually I calm down. Then I just feel anxious about when the next attack is going to come.

Well thats my story. Also I am a Christian and I've just recently found that getting into the Bible and becoming more active with my faith has helped immensely! But I still have more recovering to do.

Sorry I got so off topic but It just feels great to share my story with people going through the same thing. I am interested in the thyroid thing because I am wondering if any of my anxiety could be helped by getting back on the medication. Anyway good luck, God bless, and Everyone have a very Happy and peaceful Thanksgiving.
Love, Lily

Veronica H
27-11-08, 18:27
:welcome: Lily, I know that it is common to test for thyroid problems when when a person has anxiety panic, the symptoms can be very similar. I should return to your Dr and get your thyroid checked out again. If it is panic attacks then there is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'Self help for your nerves' published by Thorsons ISBN 978-0-7225-3155-6. This is available from the NMP Shop. I cannot recommend this enough as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover. Her recordings can be downloaded free to your MP3 from the NMP Shop too. Glad that you have found us. You will find comfort and support here.
