View Full Version : burning pain sensation in upper body

27-11-08, 08:57
Hi there i am currently taking citalopram and have had a lot of bad side effects on it but the most troublesom now is a burning pain in my upper body. It comes in sort of waves has anyone else had this? I had been feeling a little better after the increase 3 and a half weeks ago to 40mg but last 4 days feel bad agiain. Will this go or am I stuck with it it is quite painful. Is this part of anxiety or side effects from medication. Some feedback would be helpful thankyou. X

27-11-08, 12:03
Hi, I have been on citalopram only 10mgs for about 7 or 8 weeks now, and I too have been experiencing a burning sensation in which goes from my groin to the top of my chest and sometimes my back and top of arms very odd to describe not pain exactly but a very definate burning, really not sure what this is,I thought it might be acid in my tummy but I dont know cause when I get it really low down or my arms I think how can it be. Whats yours like, can you describe it?

27-11-08, 15:35
thats it exactly sort of pain but definate burning feeling its wierd but I dont know if its the pills or anxiety. Do you suffer with anxiety

27-11-08, 17:55
I'm not on any anxiety medicines but yesterday there was a path on skin on the top of my right hand which was literally burning. It looked normal, felt normal but there was burning. I put cold water on it and it didn't go away. it lasted about 30 miniutes and got less severe with time..idk what it was.

28-11-08, 10:00
do i suffer with anxiety? very good question. The truth is it seems that most people who are being treated for anxiety dont really believe that they have it if you know what I mean, they mostly seem to think that they have something physical wrong with them, that the doctor cant find or has missed, Im afraid that includes me. When your feeling or experiencing something that effects your body its pretty hard to convince your mind that its just your body reacting to your mind, and even harder to fathom wether its a real symptom of some illness, a reaction to meds or anxiety.The only thing that I can say is that your not alone in feeling this burning sensation it appears to crop up on this forum so I expect its related somewhere along the line to anxiety, or meds.