View Full Version : Hospitalisation

27-11-08, 10:22
I've hit a bit of a blip in my recovery from anx/dep. Psych doesn't think it's too serious and I should get over it. However he did mention hospitalisation as an option if it did continue.

I would really appreciate feedback from anyone who has experience of being treated in hospital for anx/dep. What is it like? Sounds kinda serious

27-11-08, 13:39
Hi Robot,

I have experience of being hospitalized for Anxiety/Panic attacks/Depression. When this is suggested it is usually so you can have a rest and feel safe in a secure place until you feel a little better. The longest I was in for was just under a month and they set up a routine for me. It went as follows:

Week One - Confined to the ward with visits everyday.

Week Two - Daily outings when I was able for them under strict supervision.

Week Three - Home for the weekend to see how I coped with it.

Week Four - A plan set up for me and released into my parents care.

I found being in hospital was good for me and it really helped having the Doctors and nurses to talk to on a daily basis about my illness. Hopefully it won't come to this for you, but if it does then I think it will be in your best interest if they suggest it. Of course you can always say no because no one is going to force you going to hospital for a while.

I hope this helps you come to a decision and I hope you feel better soon,


27-11-08, 13:39
Thanks Tetley,

I just had visions of 'One Flew Over The Cookoo's Nest'. Didn't sleep too badly last night and getting on with things today, just very up and down.

Good to know blips are normal with this condition. I had anx/depression many years ago and was treated with meds. My recovery was gradual but with no blips, these are new for me.

How are you at the moment?

27-11-08, 13:42
Hi Robot

How are you - I have been in the priory twice and it was quite comforting to be honest - are u still on the cipralex

27-11-08, 13:48
Hi Bab,

Yep still on cip, 20mg now. Was doing really well until last weekend. Went out with some friends and had a lot to drink, much more than I usually would. My max is usually 2 and I lost count of how many I had on Saturday night. Anyway, wasn't too bad on Sun and Mon, but since Tues I've gone down quite a bit.

Forget alcahol, I won't be making that mistake again.

Anyway, how are you bab?

27-11-08, 13:52
Hey Robot,

Im up and down - in fact i generally have 1 and half good weeks then 2 and a half crap! im on 10mg - pm me anytime - i dont drink as im scared of how i will feel after - is that why you feel so bad do you think or has it been going on a while ?

27-11-08, 16:30
Hiya Robot

Don't be scared of the hospital hun it is definitely not like what you fear, when I am at work I work in a psychiatric facility and visit the wards sometimes as part of my job, the wards I have seen seem ok and the patients are well looked after, everyone seems prretty friendly and supportive, could you possibly be supported by the Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team if you have one in your area, these are a community team who are sometimes the alternative to going into hospital, they are staffed by highly skilled psychiatric nurses and support workers whom will visit you up to three or four times a day if your condition warrants it, it may be worth exploring this option with your G.P.

Hope you start feeling better soon hun
