View Full Version : Ive had to give up my new job

27-11-08, 12:10
hello everyone

I have had to give up my new job due my anxiety problems.

Im not sure how I even went in the first place, its been so bad that I struggled just doing my shopping in Asda and had nearly fainted in Netto. I couldn't speak to anyone without nearly crying or getting very stressed. I just didn't want to leave the house. The telephone interview and actual interbview where really bad but I managed these just about. (I'm not sure how)

So it was never going to be easy.

I had to do two weeks of training before I could start the job properly. I only managed two days. There where 26 other people plus 3 trainers. I new that I was going to have to do lots of things that terrified me. I was very nervous and scared the week before and was very stressed. On the first morning I really didn't want to go. I was so angry with myself that I forced myself to go even though I was very scared.

When I got there I really forced my self to talk to the people there which was scary, but I managed it. It was when we got into the room where it got really bad. The first thing we had to do was introduce ourselves to the whole group and say something about ourselves. I just about managed to do this without bursting into tears. I manged to get through the morning feeling very nervous and stressed, by the afternoon I was exhausted. It had taken so much energy to get though the morning I was so tired and feeling very emotional. I just sat there thinking don't ask me anything. I couldn't remeber anything that we had learnt anyway because I used all my strength just to stay there.

I couldn't sleep that night even though I was very tired. My head was so bad. I was feeling so sick and had a terrible feeling in my stomach. I couldn't eat anything though the stress and worry of it all. I felt even worse today. I lay in bed thinking how i could get out of it by hanging myself. I forced myself to go again. The day started with a presentation, which sends fears into me straight away. I just didn't want to speak at all let alone to a group. I couldn't eat any lunch I felt to ill. I was white as a ghost and could feel my heart beating fast all day. By the afternoon I just sat there hoping no one would talk to me. If somebody asked me anything I would have had a massive panic attack and ran off. My head was pounding all afternoon. I used up so much energy staying there I had none left. The final straw was that we had to learn a script and say it out in front of everyone the next day. That was my worst nightmare, being under pressure in front of a group.

I was so stressed by the third morning I couldnt stop being sick. I new I couldn't go. I had pushed myself to far from just about going shopping with somebody else to this in one week. The pressure of having a job and earning money but feeling so ill makes it 100 times worse. I feel so angry with myself that I couldn't do it and be like a normal person.

Sorry its so long but just wanted to get it out. Thanks.

27-11-08, 13:18
I really feel for you. You didn't just start a new job where it would be one on one trainning but in that environment it must have been awful for you :hugs:

When you feel ready to look for another job, and I promise it will happen, you will need to be more selective about the type of company and perhaps go for something smaller or try temping first to get into the swing of things.

Some days I come into work and dread it I am really forgetful and have made a complete mess of things but I'm lucky because it's a small office and everyone knows that I'm a nut case! Other days it is great, I can really concentrate and do a great days work and forget about myself. It is so exhausting though, holding it all together to try to be "normal" all of the time.

Don't be too hard on yourself. You'll get there, give yourself a break and take it one step at a time.

Best of Luck :yesyes:

27-11-08, 13:55
I think that Nicomi above made a good point, and a very important one for folks who suffer: its important to understand ourselves and what we are willing to accept (or not accept) in a job. It's not always possible to choose, but we should at least have some idea.

It might be a good idea to write down what is important to you in a job. For instance:

Do you think you would enjoy working with others? Or working alone.

There are jobs for both interests.

Do you think you would enjoy working indoors? Or would you enjoy working outdoors?

There are jobs for both interests.

What about time? Would flex-time work best for you?

How important is money to you? Can it be made up with other types of compensation? This could add to your flexibility in choices.

Sit down, find out what it is that you would cherish most in a job (by making a list), then try to match the list -- as closely as possible -- to the type of job.

As I said, it's not always possible to get the perfect match, but you can get really close.

28-11-08, 04:33
Felt exactly the same at my previous job in Morrisons.I suffer from terrible anxiety and this led to huge problems with absence issues and warnings from my duty managers etc.I managed to do 7 months with them but it all came to a head one day and I handed my notice in partly because of how I was feeling on a day to day basis and partly because they had started to bully me into a further state of anxiety and were constantly monitoring me which made things 10 times worse. I have just started working for Tesco as they have opened a new store in the centre of my town and I feel much more positive about this one,I have done 2 weeks of training and we move into the new store on Saturday so I am feeling positive for once. Don't beat yourself up too much about what happened,we all try and live our life with this curse of anxiety but sometimes we can get overwhelmed and you must remember you give it a go and really tryed but hey this time it wasn't for you.I really believe that what is meant to be will be and you were not destined to work there anyway so put it down to experience and move on.I am sure once you have taken a bit of time out,collected yor thoughts and rested for a while you can get back on the horse,don't rush yourself only you know when you are ready to maybe search for another position=good luck and take care.xxxx

30-11-08, 21:11
I totally relate to what you said Stokeboy about the training sessions, meetings etc. My anxiety has built up over 10 years to the point over the last couple of years it got so bad at work, like you, I couldn't bear to say a thing in meetings, training sessions, and even if I thought someone was looking at me I would freak out. I hate to admit it but I did turn to alcohol, drinking at lunchtime etc etc which is so not the answer. Alcohol I have learnt just makes things worse.

I have been in my job for about 5 years the last couple of years have been tough an sometimes I wonder how I have got through it without handing my notice in. I have lost count of the amount of times I have called in 'sick' when there were 'stressful' things on that day. I eventually had to tell my boss, who didn't really understand but at least he took notice of what I said contributed to my anxiety and tries to avoid asking me anything in meetings amongst other things! I have just managed to get myself to the docs who has started me on citalopram. Been on it for 2 weeks going back next week as not sure if they have really 'kicked in' yet they say it takes 2-3 weeks to get into your system.

In my case I can't afford not to work, I have debts, rent to pay for blah blah blah so I am hoping these pills help!

I would advise you to speak to someone if you can about it, my Dr obviously knew about anxiety and was very sympathetic (not like other GP's I have had in the past) especially if not working is not an option for you. There is help out there.


02-12-08, 17:31
Thanks everyone for your responses. I have now started on citalopram, so hopefully that will help. I have been told that I can start the training again in January, if I am able to. Not sure if I will go back because has you say it probably isn't for me.

02-12-08, 17:49
Not sure if I will go back because, as you say, it probably isn't for me.

On the other hand, sometimes we have to do what we have to do (as they say).

Shoulders back, chin up, etc.

I had to start out working manual labor in a dark, dirty factory.

The torture doesn't last forever.

Now I drive by in my Mercedes Sport Kompressor. :yahoo:

Yeah . . . I'm cool. :shades: