View Full Version : Desperate for help

27-11-08, 12:13
I'v just been sacked from work :weep: on the grounds i'm not able to do my job. This anxiety disorder is destroying everything i have. God i dont know what to do or how i'm going to tell the mrs as we are already near breaking point.

27-11-08, 12:53
Hi Ken, I am sorry to hear things are not going well,anxiety is a horrible illness that other people living with you find it hard to understand, i know i have suffered on and off for thirty years,the panic attacks are the worst thing as they make it very difficult for you to live a normal life,i have had to run out of theatres,shopping centres etc,etc,i had to face my fears a couple of months ago and take my wife to an appointment something i couldn't possibly get out of, for the previous week i made myself sick with the fear that was to come,but the day did finaly arrive,so on the day i set off for the 50 mile journey it was horrible the first test was the mersey tunnel i had a full blown panic attack at the entrance and wanted to run off,but for some reason it subsided i then proceeded through the tunnel and then into a traffic jam in the town centre,but i controlled the panic,i then parked up and walked into the centre still no panic as i waited for my wife i walked around town,when she came out we went for a meal then i drove home i havn't had a panic attack since,i think the reason for this is i faced up to the panic it knew it had done it's best but i won,i still have to avoid certain places but i am able to continue with some normality,what helped me was i listened to the Claire Weekes tapes which are free,go to the NMP shop listen to them over and over and i know they will help you but in the end you have got to transfer negative thoughts into possitive because anxiety/panic breeds anxiety/panic i am 60 and still fighting. hope things get better soon John.

27-11-08, 14:15
Can i burn my nervous system out, i'm a real mess right this minute never been this bad

27-11-08, 14:29
Can i burn my nervous system out, i'm a real mess right this minute never been this bad

I know how hard this will be to read, let alone try to do but . . . you have to keep it together at the moment. Just let the shock flow through you. Don't give any resistance to it. For the sake of yourself and loved one(s) you have to keep your head as clear as possible. I know that it is a shock. It seems like the end of the world and that you will not make it, or if you do make it you won't recover. That is the panic and anxiety speaking to you, however. Just let it say whatever it wants to say to you. Let it make you feel however it wants to make you feel. Let it DO whatever it wants to do . . . BUT . . . stay above it.

This too shall pass. We have ALL been there in one way or the other.

Best of luck and I'm pulling for you.

27-11-08, 14:43
Hi Kenboon,
You cant burn yourself out my love although it feels like it just now - the anxiety will pass as quickly as it came - try and distract youreself from your thought by reading, tidying etc - have you been to your docs - i would def speak to CAB as Tetley says and maybe get signed off till you feel a bit stronger - YOU WILL GET BETTER! I find anxiety has a cycle - it will go down again but you need to help it - distract yourself, keep busy, speak to your doc and maybe go on meds if you are not already

Veronica H
27-11-08, 18:12
Hi Ken

So sorry to hear the latest news. You know we are all here for you Ken, and I am sure there will be lots of helpfull advice given here. I was a CAB volunteer and when you feel up to it, I should take any documentation you have in to them including anything from the employer and your Dr. CAB will deal with any correspondence if you donot feel up to it. They can even make phone calls on your behalf. They will be able to advise you on benefits and financial worries too. Best wishes Ken, PM me anytime.
