View Full Version : Clear Blister in mouth

27-11-08, 16:12
Hi Guys, does anyone know or have had a clear almost fluid filled blister in the mouth. i have one on my inside cheek and i can almost bite it. It doesnt feel like an ulcer but does hurt.

Also would anyone know what the cause of recurring mouth ulcers would be? i mainly get them on my tongue and have had at least one every week for the past 3 months. Doc puts it down to pregnancy but i reckon that if i went in with my arm hanging off he would say ' o its pregnancy' :)

28-11-08, 08:34
Hi Tash. I get clear blisters on odd occasions and I usually just pop them and they go away. I don't know what causes the little ulcers, we just seem to get a run of them every now and then, perhaps they occur when we are run down or tired. There's some good gel advertised on the TV at the moment for ulcers, if they are really troubling you then you could ask a pharmacist if you would be allowed to use it.

28-11-08, 11:22
Hello Tash

When I have been pregnant 3 times now (glutton for punishment). My mouth and teeth went to pot. I had hardly any filling or problems with my first. Each time I got pregnant I had fillings, abcesses, ulcers, I could go on and on. Now virtually every tooth in my head is filled. My youngest is now 8 and I have not had a problem with my teeth for years. My midwife told me that your baby is like a leech and will suck every ounce of goodness out of you. I am sure you are just a bit run down. Just try to eat well and look after yourself also I found listerine really helped too. Good luck and lots of love xx

28-11-08, 17:03
Thanks guys, im just so scared at getting so many ulcers as it means i might have a low immune system or something. And after googling im obsessing it might be hiv or cancer :weep: . So sick of it. does anyone else get lots of ulcers and it be nothing more than ulcers?

Or do you really think it might be just pregnancy :weep: thanks guys its getting to me today

28-11-08, 17:25
I think pregnancy, but also I remembered today, I have been to hospital about my acid reflux and the doc there asked me if I suffered from mouth ulcers. I wonder if it is to do with the acid problem that you have been suffering from. If the acid has been coming up into you mouth?