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27-11-08, 17:31
I havent been on this site for few weeks but people who have read my posts will remember that a few weeks ago i went to the drs with chest pains and the dr said my blood pressure was"slightly up"but nothing to worry about.She told me to have it checked next time i was at the drs. I went today with a minor complaint (women problems) and while i was in i asked the new lady dr to do my blood pressure.Over the last few weeks i have been great without the anixety and so have really panicked when she said today it was 140/100.
She would like to see me agian next week and may have to do more tests.I went hysterical saying i was gonna die and she said she wasnt concerned at the moment.I am loads over weight and a diabetic.If i lose weight will it help my heart or will it already be damaged?
I have cried all afternoon and went rushing back to the car the chest pains started agian.I am going away to america in 6 weeks and i really cant see me going as i too scared something is gonna happen.
Help,reasurance.truth needed!!!:lac:

27-11-08, 17:49
Hi Donna,

If you're a diabetic it's always a good idea to get onto some sort of exercise program and it's good for your blood pressure too. Just a brisk 30 minute walk three times a week will do the trick and it's good for your heart too. I wish you well. I hope you don't cancel your trip to the states we'd love to have you over.

27-11-08, 18:25

I am very overweight aswell, but luckily I dont have blood pressure problems. It is a good idea to start off with some light exercise to get the heart working a bit more. As David says a walk is good. I'm not really one to talk, as I say I'm overweight aswell, but it is definately worth a little stroll.

Try and keep calm, easier said than done know, but this will higher your blood pressure. Was you worked up before you went to the doctors?

27-11-08, 18:39
I havent been on this site for few weeks but people who have read my posts will remember that a few weeks ago i went to the drs with chest pains and the dr said my blood pressure was"slightly up"but nothing to worry about.She told me to have it checked next time i was at the drs. I went today with a minor complaint (women problems) and while i was in i asked the new lady dr to do my blood pressure.Over the last few weeks i have been great without the anixety and so have really panicked when she said today it was 140/100.
She would like to see me agian next week and may have to do more tests.I went hysterical saying i was gonna die and she said she wasnt concerned at the moment.I am loads over weight and a diabetic.If i lose weight will it help my heart or will it already be damaged?
I have cried all afternoon and went rushing back to the car the chest pains started agian.I am going away to america in 6 weeks and i really cant see me going as i too scared something is gonna happen.
Help,reasurance.truth needed!!!:lac:

Stop thinking you are going to die. I know someone whose blood pressure was 190/120. They have it under control and she works full time.

27-11-08, 18:51
Hey Donna, you really do need to calm yourself down. Having a mass panic about your blood pressure will not do it any favours. My aunties is often much higher than yours. Your doctor stated that she was not concerned, that is why she has taken the decision to leave you until next week, by which point, the chances are, it wont be quite as high. If she was worried she would have sent you to the hospital for urgent tests right away. If your bp is still high next week, or even higher then your GP will probabaly do some further tests and investigations. Your GP will also be able to advise you on ways in which to help lower your bp. I dont think cancelling your holiday will help. quite the opposite infact. A nice stress free trip to Ameria sounds like a good tonic to me. If you don't want to go though just throw your tickets this way, thanks! Stop stressing! It really is the worse thing for raising blood pressure.

27-11-08, 19:55
I had preeclampsia with my son and at the end of my pregnancy my blood pressure was much higher than that 160/125 ON medication!

for then next year my blood pressure was very high everytime they took it. I was on two different medications for it and it was still high. the bottom number is the important one and although /100 IS high it is not the type of thing that will cause you immediate problems. you will not get sick or die right now from it.

After a year I had a 24 hour blood pressure monitor fitted because even though my blood pressure was high at the doctors i was starting to have dizziness etc at home which was a sign that the medication was pushign my blood pressure a little to low at home. The 24 hour monitor was just a cuff i wore on my arm with a little box around my waist which took my blood pressure evry 15 minutes for 24 hours. at home my blood pressure was much better although still high.

at the start of this year I went on a diet using www.sparkpeople.com. which is free. and also started doing just a half hour exercise dvd each day. I did the davina power of three one. Between january and may I lost 35 pounds and my blood pressure plummeted. By the middle of april i was off medication totally and my blood pressure now runs at around 125/80 which is ok considering what it has been!. I am still overweight but not as significatnly as i was. My BMI is now 27 which is much closer to normal than i was.

the main things I want to sort of get across are:
dont worry right now blood pressure causes damage over a long period of time not over a short time so nothing will happen on holiday.
go back to the doctors and ask him for a 24 hour monitor since its possible that your anxiety might be pushing your blood pressure up now
and lastly even if it is high talking medication to lower your blood pressure will eliminate the possibility of damage so either way it ISNT a problem, My grandmother was on medication to control a rapid heartbeat and high blood pressure from the time she was in her early 30s until she died at 80 of an unrelated illness.

losing wieght will help in my case it nearly normalized my blood pressure but even if it doesnt it will make it easier to control


28-11-08, 18:18
thankyou all so much for the words of wisdom.I have taken everything on board and today feel a lot calmer.I am seeing a counciller and this afternoon i feel like a great weight has been lifted,thats all thanks to you and the counciller.