View Full Version : My Personal Story (Very Long Post)

27-11-08, 20:52
Hiya Guys,

Since I've come to the forum I have posted various threads about my panic attacks and my anxiety, depression and self harming. Now I will tell a little bit of my story in hope that others can relate to it, so here goes:

My first panic attack happened one Sunday morning ten years ago. I remember waking up and having breakfast and after that being convinced that what I ate had become stuck in my throat. My mouth was dry and it was like something was lodged there. I shook it off and tried to forget it but as I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth I felt my face go on fire and then go numb. I immediatly panicked and when my heart started going fast I clutched my throat and ran from the room screaming that I was going to stop breathing and die. I'd never felt anything like that before and I was truly terrified about what was happening to me. My parents, not knowing what to say or do, tried to convince me that I was ok and that it would pass but I just couldn't grasp that concept as I ran around with pins and needles in my face and a horrible tingling feeling that scared me to death. As the day went on it just wouldn't subside and I slowly got worse to the point of hysteria. My parents, now worried, rushed me to the Doctor where he smugly checked my heart and sent me away to breath into a paper bag!

The symptoms kept on going that night and I remember just throwing myself onto my bed and crying my eyes out, afraid to sleep because I was convinced that my heart was going to stop and that if I felt tired it was actually my body giving up and me dying. I did sleep that night, after ringing nearly everyone I knew and looking for reassurance that I wasn't suffering a heart attack or stroke.

As the days and months went on I suffered the same thing on a daily basis and thought that I was slowly going insane. I began reading medical books and comparing my own symptoms with all sorts of life threatening illnesses and made myself 100% worse. My drinking at this stage was pretty normal, a few drinks at the weekend with friends, but it began to change as I isolated myself. I drank in secret to take away the panic and ended up drunk most days and passed out by noon. In between this secret drinking I had been back to the doctor and put on anti-depressants, which I swallowed each morning with Vodka before sleeping the afternoon away. As my drinking got worse so did the anxiety and I was put on Diazepam to take the edge off. This did the trick, but by then I was addicted to Alcohol and an incident one Thursday evening involving too much Vodka with my Ciprimal and Diazepam led me to fall unconcious in front of the fire and nearly burn to death. It was decided there and then that I was to be sectioned and spend a month in a clinic so I could rest and get back to normal.

While in the clinic I began to make a breakthrough with my anxiety, depression and self harming and I began to feel safe there. I talked with my Doctor each Monday, Wednesday and Friday and I could feel myself getting back to normal and enjoying my life again. My medication, without the alcohol, was beginning to work and I was looking foward to going home.

The day I left the clinic I felt a sense of relief and happiness to be starting my life again with my anxiety, alcohol abuse and depression under control. That night, without the safe feeling of the clinic, I panicked again and when a full blown panic attack happened my whole world fell apart. I ran around screaming and clutching my throat and began to cry my heart out in fear. Why was this happening to me again? I just couldn't understand, after all the work that I had put in, the anxiety and panic had started again. I remember reaching for my sedatives and taking more than I should have. Anything just to keep from going through all that again. As they kicked in and I sat on my bed I felt so depressed that I began cutting my wrists in disappointment that I hadn't done enough and that it was all my own fault that I had slipped because I should have worked harder! Little did I know that I couldn't have forseen the attack.

Being back home led me to slip into decline and I began drinking again and cutting myself on a daily basis. I felt the pain, but somehow it offered the relief that I had been craving for so long. That, along with my drinking and my anxiety, led me to take an overdose of painkillers and anti-depressants. I was found in time and woke from a coma five days later not knowing what was happening to me. The agony I felt when I knew I was still alive was unbearable and I just slipped into a depression that I thought I would never get out of. I returned home, full of self hatred and isolated myself so much that my anxiety grew worse and worse when I did try to be around others. This was the start of being housebound and it suited me just fine.

Doctors, home nurses, therapists and everything you can think of were called to see me, but I just didn't have the will to live. As far as I was concerned, the sooner I was dead and out of the misery, the better for me and everyone else. I knew the hell my parents were going through, and that cause me to sink even further, but I just didn't care anymore. By this time I had begun drinking again to cope with the panic attacks once again, and I just felt so useless and worthless that I didn't care one bit. That is what my life had come to and I was resigned to the fact that it was how I would live it. And I did live it that way. For Ten years it has been the same and I have never managed to get out of it.

The day finally came when I faced the most horrific panic attack, one that I will never forget. Just three months ago, on a Saturday morning, I woke to find myself shaking with terror and having short breaths. I knew it was happening again but before I could do anything about it my face and hands went numb and then my fingers curled up as I lost all feeling in them. I panicked, felt like I was losing my breath and fell to the floor as my whole body went weak. My head was pounding, my eyes couldn't take the light and my heart felt like it was going to explode in my chest. I managed to get out of the bedroom and crawled into the bathroom where I screamed my lungs out and rocked myself back and foward with sweat dripping from my whole body. I was convinced that this was the final hurdle and that I was finally going to die of a stroke. My mother, who was walking the dog at the time, arrived home and found me in a state of complete hysteria and called for the Doctor right away. By the time he arrived it was completely out of control and he had no choice but to sedate me, worrying for my mental state after such a vicious attack.

That was three months ago and it is still the same. I have my good days and I have my bad ones. The last few days have been bad and I am back on Diazepam again, but I no longer touch alcohol and I am hoping that things will slowly get better for me.

So, there you have it guys. That is my story and I hope that someone can relate to it and know that they are not alone.


27-11-08, 21:10
hi i think it was very brave of you to write your story here for all to read.

27-11-08, 21:44
Oh my god what a story...

Ed you have been through such a tough time & i don't say that loosely...a lot tougher time than most of us here. I know its an easy thing to say but time is a healer & a gradual process. I'm not sure how long you have been a member for but i think NMP will help you a lot. when you are feeling at your worst & hysterical there will be someone there to chat to you & help you through it. I hope that you find he strength to continue to battle through the day. One day you will wake up & simile again!!

Anytime you need to chat let me know xxx

27-11-08, 23:04
Thanks Spaced and Nick,

I think it's only fair to share the truth with the forum. I just want people to know what I went through and hopefully they can see that they aren't alone if they have gone through the same.

The Diazepam seems to be helping me (I just took my second dose) and I am calm and relaxed for the first time in nearly a week, so that is a good thing :)

28-11-08, 16:43
Dear Edward

It took me some time to read your post, but it was very interesting.

I am taking Citalopram 10mg for my depression, and I have been on them for about 2 weeks.

The Diazepam, 2mg, says "one or two tablets to a maximum of three times a day". How many Diazepam do you take in a day and what dose?? My anxiety is terrible, I cannot go out alone because I feel all wobbly on my feet, like I have no sense of balance.

Should I just be taking Diazepam and not the Citalopram?

28-11-08, 17:25
Hiya Rosy,

I am currently on 5mg of Diazepam two times daily for a week to get me through this spell of Anxiety.

How are you feeling on the Citalopram? Are they working for you?

Diazepam is really a sedative used to control anxiety, insomnia, alcohol withdrawal ect.

I would highly suggest staying on your Citalopram if you are suffering from depression because they will better for you in the long run.


Veronica H
28-11-08, 17:35
Hi Edward

:bighug1: A brave and honest post. you have your new friends here for when times are really hard.


28-11-08, 18:02
Dear Edward

If the Citalopram is for my depression, which I have had for years, (I was on Prozac 20 mg for five years before, but I stopped taking them because I did not feel they were doing any good), and the Diazepam is for my severe anxiety, I presume the two mix OK !!

My late mum (bless her) took Diazepam all the time and they did her good, and they seem to suit me also.

But what I can't manage by myself, is being scared to go out the house alone. I'm "OK" if I'm in a taxi or someone's car, because I know there's someone else there, but I'm not OK if I'm on my own. How the heck do I get over this??

PS. Have a smashing weekend.

28-11-08, 18:08

Anti-depressants and Diazepam do mix (I was on both for a long time) without any effects that you don't want. Don't worry about that at all. We all need a helping hand sometimes, so if you are on both then that is ok.

I know how you feel about being scared. You just need to take one step at a time and don't push yourself into doing too much at once. Remember that baby steps are the key. You will get over your fear one day and you'll look back.


28-11-08, 19:40
Hi Ed

Well done on your post and on quitting the drink. Staying off booze might prove a real turning point. They say if you change nothing then nothing will change, and you really have changed something. Drinking is truly one of the worst things for anx and depression. I had a real session last week and have felt awful since, won't be doing that again.

Stick with it, you have taken a really positive step :flowers:

28-11-08, 21:17
Hi Ed

Thank you for your kind words.

Love from Rosy

28-11-08, 21:18
Hiya Robot,

Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well since last week. Are you getting any better?

The booze used to make me very agitated on top of anxious and I used to grind my teeth and get pains down my neck before having a panic attack.

Hopefully you are feeling a little better. Remember to keep away from it with your anxiety and you will be ok soon,

Edd :flowers:

28-11-08, 21:19
Hi Ed

Thank you for your kind words.

Love from Rosy

No problem Rosy,


29-11-08, 10:05
Thanks Ed,

Slowly recovering since my booze session, mornings are the worst, usually feel much better at night. Have you noticed any change/improvement since quitting the booze? What have your doctors etc, been like? Not trying to be nosy, just I live in Ireland too and although there is a lot said about our health care, so far I've had no problems.

Veronica H
29-11-08, 10:19
Hi Edward/Rosy
I have only ever taken one Diazipam tablet, when I needed to get back from holiday in the car. It made me very sleepy for two days. It is a tranquiliser therefore highly addictive. It will be more effective if used spareingly. it is of course not a cure, just gives you a break from the symptoms. I am also on Citalopram 10mg.


29-11-08, 11:04
Hiya Robot,

I have actually noticed a difference in myself since quitting. With the booze my anxiety levels were through the roof and I used to get so agitated on top of the anxiety and would need to drink to calm both down again. Thank god that is over now. I'm still getting attacks though, but not as much as when I was drinking. My Doctor was always understanding towards me. He would take time to sit and talk with me and ask how things were going ect. He isn't a Doctor to just hand out a script and send you on your way. I know I can always talk to him, but with being housebound it's hard. I'm glad you are starting to feel better again. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy :)

Hiya Veronica,

I know that the Diazepam are addictive. My Doctor is always telling me that because he is afraid I may become dependant on them because of my drinking problem. That's why this time he only gave me a weeks supply to get over the bad spell. When I see him on Thursday morning we are going to discuss me going back on my Ciprimal as a more stable outcome :)

29-11-08, 11:47
I think the Cipramil would be a good move. I've always found AD's very useful. The first time I took them I thought I'd found a miracle cure (seroxat), this time I'm on Lexapro. Haven't found it to be as good, but I'm am still improving. Anyway, will this be your first time on ADs with no booze? You may still have to take the Diaz for the first few weeks with the ADs, they can tend to up the Anx at first. Last thing you need i know, but it is worth it, things do improve.

29-11-08, 12:20
Thanks Tetley. I hope someone can relate and get some peace knowing that they are not alone in this :)


This will be my first time on AD's without booze. I went through Prozac, Lexapro, Zispin and Seroxat while on booze for years. I know that they can up the anxiety while they kick in and balance the brain levels so I may ask to be kept in the Diazepam for a while longer. I remember getting horrible panic attacks when I first started taking Prozac and I accused the Doctor of sending me insane!!

I'm glad you are beginning to improve with the Lexapro. Stick with them and you will get there matey :D

29-11-08, 12:28
Well Ed, this will really be a new experience for you. You never really took ADs, they never had a chance with the booze. If you keep dry I really fancy your chances of a good recovery :bighug1:

29-11-08, 12:42
Thanks Robot. I intend to stay dry and really work on myself with the Ciprimal. I know it's going to be hard to overcome and get back to society, but hopefully some day I will be able to face people again and not have attacks and hide. :):):)