View Full Version : everythings so black i think im loosing my mind again help

28-11-08, 11:01
for years i have struggled with bi-poloar disorder the constant living in fear or anger of myself let alone the outside world which is the forbidden land i look at threw a window, the confusion and shame and of not knowing who you are or why you do or did something almost every day are hard too deal with and then the guilt you feel for the things you have done or said and the pain you have caused to those you love, the feeling of theyd be better off without me occupies my mind almost constantly yet the fear of going out getting away from it all terrifies me into panic and rage the unanswerded questions i have that no one can answer rattle around not like thourts but as in a voices i hear all day they just wont shut up, i cant scream as no one hears me no one knows how i feel, and now too make it worse after countless tests and prodding and pocking around im told that i also have chronic ibs and that if they get me well in my head the ibs may settle im so tired all the time i cant function everything hurts im so alone and now im rambling cos i cant think straight i dont wanna go on like this:weep: :weep: :weep:

28-11-08, 15:47
Hi and Welcome to NMP :flowers:

I think by joining this site, you have made a really positive move and one i am quite sure will benefit you.

We will support you in any way we can and i'm sure you will make lots of lovely friends too.


Veronica H
28-11-08, 17:25
:bighug1: Sorry that you are feeling so down. Now that the IBS has been diagnosed at least you should get some help. Things will pick up.


28-11-08, 19:23
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

28-11-08, 22:21
hi im new 2 this site.bn on citlopram 4 12 days.horrid at first,but bit beta noe.still very confused,no 1 understands ow lonely depression makes u feel.so good 2 ave this site 4 support n 2 know ure not the only 1 feeling like this.take care all..................

28-11-08, 22:24
things will ge beta 4 u soon.take 1 day at a time.think of yourself an wot u nd 2 doo 2get beta...................:D

28-11-08, 22:29
any1 got any advice on how 2 cope wiv depression feel kind of alone with this family dont understand nd feel guilty 4 mentioning it 2 em coz of the way it makes em feel..............................