View Full Version : Hugs and Good luck for Titchjd

28-11-08, 15:44
Hi folks

Some of you will already know, Sam (Titchjd) is going to be bridesmaid at her friends wedding tomorrow. Sam is very nervous about the whole thing as she has just started getting out again after a bad bout of agoraphobia.

I just want to say GOOD LUCK GAL, Not that you'll need it. And try to have lots of fun. You are going to be just fine!!!


P.s remember to have a pint for me :biggrin:

Loads of love


28-11-08, 16:00
best of luck to ya mate, you will be fine, glass or 2 of red before you go lol

Emma xxx

28-11-08, 16:19
Good Luck:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

28-11-08, 16:45
Awww Lisa ..thanx 4 thread . what a kind thing 2 do ...your such a gud m8 x
I will be thinkin of you all that have helped me and supported me 2moz x
Thank you x:hugs:

28-11-08, 17:36
hi, just wanted to wish you the very best of luck tomorrow, im sure you will be fine and that you will enjoy the day, and remember that everyone on the n.m.p. web site will be thinking of you as we all know the score:yesyes: :yesyes:

28-11-08, 17:39
Titch go and have a really good time you are gonna look lovely.

Carol x

28-11-08, 17:49
hello partner lol, listen i bet u gonna do just great and afterwards u will b saying dunno wot all the fuss was about hehe.

hopefully u might even find a hunky man to set your sights on in the church and u will forget about everything.

you know i am here for u and im off out for food soon but will b on msn this evening . hugs xxxx

its all good
28-11-08, 18:21
Hey sam, :bighug1: to u hun, u wont need it. I bet u end up coping as well lol. Seriously u will be ok, u will do ur mate proud i know u will. Get drunk, have a dance and a flirt, top nite. Luv ya lots and i wanna hear how gud it was when u recovered! luv kayliegh xx

28-11-08, 21:16
good luck! xx I have a fancy dinner thing to go to tomorrow so I will be thinking about you going to the wedding x

28-11-08, 21:22
Hey Titch, I get this strange feeling that you're gunna have a ball tomorrow. Its usually the case when you are dreading something, it usually turns out to be great. I hope I'm right!

Good luck chick X:yesyes:

28-11-08, 21:30
you have a nice time mate i am sure the day will go just fine and you will enjoy it

jodie xxx

28-11-08, 21:34
Good Luck and have a wonderful time.

Best wishes


28-11-08, 21:48
Best of luck Sam, you'll be fine. Have a good time.


28-11-08, 22:03
Break a leg hun xxx

28-11-08, 22:46
Good luck titch

Im sure you will look fabby and have a great time. remember and post some pics.

Pooh xx

28-11-08, 23:32
Aww sweetie,

Always remember this...........the thought of going is much worse than the deed itself..................i promise you.
If you feel the need to get out, then go! The wedding wont come to a standstill.
With that in mind you will be fine and dandy. Believe me..... its what gets me through the funerals i have to go to.
Try to imagine you're the bride and you have to stay lol!

Enjoy the day!

di xx

29-11-08, 11:10
good luck chick. xxx

Diane O'Brien
29-11-08, 11:38
Hi Titch Good luck for today. I bet u all look gorgeous. Let me know how u get on.

All my love

Diane xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:yesyes: :yesyes:

29-11-08, 12:14
Massive hugs and good luck from me:hugs: xx

29-11-08, 12:55
Thinking of you today mate. Hope all is going well!

Love Lisa

29-11-08, 13:42
aww im thinking of u too matey. hugs xxxxxxxxxxxx

Granny Primark
29-11-08, 18:43
titch im sure your having a brill time and have been a brill bridesmaid.
Please post yer pics on facebook so yer granny can have a goggle.

loads of love and good wishes.

29-11-08, 18:45
Best of luck hun...but im sure you'll have a ball of a time.
Take care

29-11-08, 19:44
Well Titch I guess it's all over now and I bet you are having a great time. Post a picture so we can all see how lovely you looked.

Carol x

29-11-08, 23:39
Juat wanted 2 sat a huge THANK YOU 2 all that have wished me well It helped me get through the day xxxx

hugs 2 u all xxxxxxxxx:hugs: