View Full Version : Hey...

28-11-08, 15:55
Hey...I'm Emma...22 from Essex...

I was only diagnosed on Monday with depression after suffering for about a year...too early to go into details for me...:blush:

I was prescribed with Citalopram so I went on my search for information via Google and stumbled across this website so I've been browsing around and it's really helped me so far, thank you :flowers:

I don't have many people around me, and even fewer, 1 to be precise, that I'm close to or feel comfortable talking about anything to. But that 1 close friend had to go on a work trip to Paris and urged me to tell my sister in case something happened. I managed to do so without too much fuss, for my sister only to tell me my parents have been asking her about me and I should tell them what's going on...eek! :unsure: :shrug:

I can only describe this week as being a wierd...so I guess this is hello...and to start off my journey if anyone has advice on how I tell my parents I would really appreciate that....thanks x

28-11-08, 17:52
Hiya Emma,

Welcome to the forum. You will find that the people here are great and will offer you any support you need in your battle against depression. You'll never feel alone here.

Edward :)

28-11-08, 17:59
Hi Emma

Welcome to NMP :flowers:

You will get lots of support here!


28-11-08, 19:05
Hello, lovely to meet you! In a similar position as you with depression and anxiety aged 19 and have also recently started citalopram! would be cool to chat some time! take care xx

28-11-08, 19:24
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

29-11-08, 20:22
Hello...welcome....hope to see you in chat....there's lots of good advice there...people are really supportive here and no one judges....x

01-12-08, 00:23
Hi Emms. Fairly new here myself. For me there has been some depression plus stress but anxiety seems to have underlain everything else for longer than I originally realised. I've found Escitalopram quite helpful for the depression and some of the anxiety. Your meds are similar although some call them the older version. The main thing to watch is that some people find the side effects bad for the first 2-4 weeks. I don't remember them being too bad but then I felt pretty rubbish when I started them. I'm older than you but these illnesses seem to know no real age limits. I'll try and offer thoughts and advise when I can especially as I am also in Essex.

I could say a bit about telling your folks or not but I wouldn't really be basing it on a similar experience or age so I won't. I would say that if it is bothering you a lot telling them make the choice (at this stage) which adds the least depression/anxiety/stress FOR YOU. Later when you are stronger you could chnage your mind. On the other hand if the side effects of the medication make things worse it would be really useful to be able to talk it over with someone - although obviously you have here too. This is important as for a small number of people the meds can make things worse and you really need someone to help you notice that or to talk it over with.

You have made good first steps by seeking medical help and also seeking information and support here. Take it steady, don't expect miracles but do expect to make progress over time.

Take Care.

01-12-08, 09:38
Thanks everyone for your welcome messages x

I spoke to my parents on Friday night, we went out for a meal and my Dad said he'd suspected something like that and seemed upset I hadn't talked to him :sad: I'm close to my Dad but I hadn't really felt comfortable talking to anyone except my best friend and even he had to force it out of me! I feel better knowing they can at least worry about me knowing what's wrong now.

So, on my journey I go...

01-12-08, 09:52
Hi and welcome :)


02-12-08, 13:11
Well done Emms. I am pleased that your Dad is close to you and that you were able to share with him/them. Personally I think being able to share about our conditions is a useful step in being able to face them down ourselves. Also then people may keep an eye on us especially (as I said before) since Meds can either improve us subtly without us noticing ourselves or (rarely) make us actually worse.

Keep coming back here and perhaps other similar places. If you are good at reading there is a lot of information about and some help and companionship too.