View Full Version : Constant worrying

28-11-08, 16:17
I have just developed a morbid fear of an epidemic or plague infecting the planet, I know this sounds mental and it has never happened to me before, it just hit me like lightening bolt on Sun while watching that new prog about guess what a plague infecting the planet and wiping out 95% of the poulation its called survivors. I know this sounds mental but it has got me really freaked out. I have suffered from OCD and GAD for years and been on and off medication for over the last 10 years. I was going through a good patch then suddenly this out of the blue I cant stop thinking about it cant sleep, can't eat properly and it has brought my chronic anxiety symptoms back you know fast heartbeat, pins and needles, sore limbs constantly going to the toilet etc. I have gone from being Ok to a complete wreck overnight, Im posting this to see if anyones has any suggestions about how to deal with this and if anyone else has similar worries. I feel like im going mad I walk about outside looking at others thinking why am I worrying about this when everyone else is going about their day to day lives as normal,
sorry for the ramble Owain

28-11-08, 16:35
If a plague was to take over the planet there would be nothing we could do so why worry about it?

28-11-08, 16:38
I know that, but thats the whole point my OCD/GAD are making mw worry about something that is pointless worrying about?

28-11-08, 16:42
I know that, but thats the whole point my OCD/GAD are making mw worry about something that is pointless worrying about?

So what are you going to do?

Perhaps not watching that type of programme might help.

I don't suffer from HA myself but I have a worry about my cats.

28-11-08, 20:24

I also watch this series and have to say my anxieties levels are sky high when its finished but at the same time I cannot help myself!! lol When I was a child I watched that Outbreak film and for a long time afterwards I was terrified of a plague outbreak so don't worry you are not the only one who thinks these things. But yes please please please do not watch it again if it makes you feel so bad, soon enough the memories will fade and you will be fine.
Think about it though, if there was going to be a plague it would probably be in a 3rd world country first, they have a lot less medical and sanitary care, and even they haven't suffered anything near as catastrophic as they show on Survivors. i dont know, it helps me to think these things through, odd I know! You would probably be surprised by how many people actually have this fear, you are not alone!

Take care and watch something happy!!!


30-11-08, 15:56
Thanks for your helpful reply kitty it has made me feel slightly better all ready, like you Im drawn to these types of progs then regret it afterwords, its on on Tues again and I know Ill watch it,
many thanks Owain

01-12-08, 13:53
You're certainly not alone. I could write you a list as long as your arm of programmes which have triggered similar responses in myself, starting from a science programme in the mid-70's about an impending ice-age, right up to the Survivors programme you mention. I only caught a few minutes of that while channel-hopping but it was enough to set me off into severe depression and hopelessness. I'm on medication already, so I tend to up the dose and wait for it to pass, which it usually does. I can only offer a couple of pieces of advice: Don't watch them! Easy to say, I know, because they can be compulsive for people like us, but they're as bad as Google for fuelling anxiety. If you can't resist temptation, try telling yourself that programmes like this, whether drama or documentary, have to base themselves around a worse-case scenario in order to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The writer/presenter/actors etc won't get re-commissioned if viewers switch off after one episode. The other thing, as Kitty says, is to watch something happy. Sometimes you can plot a whole evenings viewing around funny/positive programmes. Last night I went Antiques Roadshow/Top Gear/Something about a zoo being rescued and reopened/had a bath/Father Ted/Bedtime! Avoided all the nasties and felt quite relaxed by the end of it. As a back up, keep some DVD's of your favourite comedy and shove one of those on whenever some tempting worrier comes on the box. I rely on Frasier and a couple of ancient Tom and Jerry videos. Failing all this, just turn it off and chill out with some music.

Believe me, I know just how debilitating this can be. Take care.:flowers: