View Full Version : introducing myself to you all

28-11-08, 18:26
hello to every body currently online. my name is charles and my usermame is searcher. i am probably one of if not the oldest member of this forum. my username searcher describes my troubled history of anxiety and social phobia with obssesional negative thoughts about the face i present to the world. i do feel some embarrastment saying these things in public on this forum but i want to let you all know something of me. having read some of your posts i admire your honesty and candour. i have been a sufferer of these symptons since the year 1957 when i was aged 17. so i have a very very long history of these disorders and am so glad to have literally stumbled by chance to No More Panic. i am married and the father of 2 sons. the eldest is 27 and the younger is 18. my younger son has downs syndrome and attends a special college for students with severe learning difficulties here where we live in worthing, west sussex. i am now retired from my job as a university adninistator and find i have too much time on my hands which seems to encourage the negative and obbsessional thoughts. if any of you good people would like to get in touch with me through this excellent site then i would welcome your approach and would respond to you. i suppose in some respects i am a lonely man. best wishes from charles

28-11-08, 19:26
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

Veronica H
28-11-08, 20:09
:welcome: Charles. Glad you have found us, you will find comfort and support here.


28-11-08, 21:51
Heya guys, im alexandra female spain 20 years old. I have been suffering from Pa s for about 3 years now and would love to speak 2 some1 who is suffering the same, speak soom Alexandra

Vanilla Sky
28-11-08, 21:53
Hi Charles, welcome to the site, i only found it myself a few weeks ago so im new also i think its a great site you can say all your fears to people who understand, i think my partner gets a bit weary with me sometimes so its good to have an outlet and anyway if i was to say out loud all the crazy thoughts i have... well.. might get locked up lol ! I suppose iv always had anxiety it been there lurking with me since childhood then it rears its ugly head usually during or after stressful events but more recently when everything is ok! Its so upsetting coz you dont know when its going to pounce so im edgy a lot physical symptoms etc its horrible anyway im paige im 40 hope we can help each other

28-11-08, 22:00
Hello Charles...welcome...this is a good place

28-11-08, 22:16
Hiya Charles,

Welcome to the forum. You will find great support from everyone here.

28-11-08, 23:17
hello there and welcome, we have all ages here and everyone here is so supportive and u will find lots of great advice.

have a good look around as there is lots of great info on here too.
hugs x

29-11-08, 09:57
Hi Charles,:)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :D

Veronica H
29-11-08, 10:24
:welcome: Alexandra. your post may not get many replies as it is part of charles thread. Post a new thread in introductions. Glad you have found us.


01-12-08, 20:36
Hello Charles.....It's quite a while since I last logged on to this site but I felt the need this morning and I was drawn to reply to your message. I too have struggled to cope with the anxiety that goes with social phobia for most of my life. I am 59 now and although my coping strategies seem to have improved over the years it still gets me down from time to time and I can understand the loneliness you feel. I have two adult children and a few close and lovely friends but there is always a part of me that 'holds back' in my relationships and I just can't seem to get past this no matter how much I try to improve my life. I make myself socialise a lot of the time because I don't want to become a recluse, but this feeling is not the same as shyness is it? If I were just shy then things would surely have improved by now. This site is great, to reassure us that we are not alone, and I would be happy to give you my own e mail address if you would care to have a supportive pen pal of a similar age. Maybe the administrators would act as mediator as I don't feel I should print my address for all to see. Either way Charles I hope you can find peace of mind one way or another. Regards, Maddy.

01-12-08, 20:40
Hi Charles

Welcome to the site, glad you found us. I am sure you will meet many people on here who will offer good advice and support.

Take care


01-12-08, 21:11

:welcome: to NMP. I have only been a member for a few weeks myself. I have found a lot of useful information and lots of lovely members here.

04-12-08, 19:20
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

10-01-09, 18:57
Hiya im from Worthing too!! Just joined today so im new to all this as well. Hope you are doing ok :-)