View Full Version : why do i do it?

28-11-08, 21:57
I gave up smoking when i fell pregnant with my little girl, then for some stupid reasin started a few weeks after she was born. I have now stopped again as my HA is now the worst its ever been and smoking makes it/me worse. However sometimes when i'm around friends who smoke i feel the urge to have a cigerratte, like today i've had 2 and now am getting a headache and freaking out about the harm that smoking can do. Why do i do it, i just sometimes find it so hard to say no but now i'm suffering. Does anyone else do this?

28-11-08, 22:33
please reply...... just want some reassurance

29-11-08, 11:40
oh poor you. I don't think the odd cigarette will hurt you, and apparently if you give up before you are 30 then your risk of lung cancer etc is hardly higher than a life-long non smoker.............

29-11-08, 11:48
The important thing is you don't see the occasional relapse as a giant mistake - that will lead you onto cigarettes again full-time.

I gave up 2 months ago, and sheer fear has kept me away, I basically had a breakdown and now cant even be in the same room as smokers (causing big difficulties with friends!).

You need to concentrate on the positives, that you gave up in the first place, and that will help you not to relapse again. :)

29-11-08, 11:48
But do give up if you can........ you'll feel so much better for it! :-))

03-12-08, 02:48
Thanks guys, i am determined to not have another ciggeratte and haven't since i posted this thread and although i have a stinking cold i feel much better and hopefully will stick to not smoking