View Full Version : Feel awful hate my job

29-11-08, 01:46
I think I'm being bullied at work.

People have been making jokes saying "am i into men" which I have sussed has made my anxiety alot worse with HOCD. I got offended by this very much. I am only into woman but get OCD thoughts that i'm not.

I was called a "freak" tonight but they made it out like a joke. I'm sick of the job and need a new one ASAP. I hate the people and hours and even had a customer come online and make jokes.

I just need out I'm really anxious on what to do..now feel depressed after all this i've been hating the job for a while now not long after I started in June. I'm use to the money and worry I wont like another job as much as I use to walk out on jobs. The hours never help because I have no time for a g.f when I work nights and days. Thinking of it now I get less HOCD and OCD when I'm not working and I had a week off. I'm positive now this place is the reason why my worrying has stepped up a gear. I feel pressured now into getting a new job now.

Can anybody give me advice? I just feel awful right now. :blush:

Diane O'Brien
29-11-08, 07:34
Hi Phil

This is horrendous and u should'nt have to go through this. Is there anyone u can chat to at work at all. Do people at work know what u are going through. Do you try and put a brave face on at work. If they know this upsets you then this is bullying and needs to stop NOW.

Can u speak to your manager or anyone. I hate bullying because it utterly knocks your confidence, maybe a short sharp word to the culprits may be all thats needed.

Thinking of u and I hope things will resolve very soon.

Take care of yourself!!!!!!!!!!!

29-11-08, 09:39
this is awful, you cannot work in a place like this. Are you a member of Union? if so, I would talk to them. Talk to your boss. You should not have to live every day putting up with this, it's not fair. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself, you need to in order for this to be stopped. PM me if you want to talk love. xxxx

29-11-08, 10:06
Thanks I have stood up for myself and took it on the chin but they are starting to hit nerve points with the "name" calling and now it's made me anxious even more.

I feel I am limited on who I can talk to...don't feel I can talk to the manager plus my family and friends will probably pray on these weaknesses my pal told me to walk out the job..luckily enough I have said no to that. I just feel now a year always seems to start bad and end bad.

I don't think I want to go to the works night out now.

29-11-08, 20:00

Okay I am gay and I kind of get what you are saying only for me its backwards so look at this perspective my frinds in high school practically begged me to come out and eventually I did. it is nobodys business but your own who you are sexually attracted to but if you know you like women why the need to convice yourslef you are stright? what led your coworkers to think you were gay? you need to analyze it a little deeper and realize we never leave high school but in we do mature in most cases and we realize that there is no popular group in real life and everybody is the same so maybe try making friends with the *******s or maybe cut yourslef out of the eqution and start over which is what a lot of people need from time to time a fresh start maybe try getting a job that interests you instead of pays you well so that way youll be surrounded by people with the same mindset as you you sometimes have to get in where you fit in i hope this helps ...:)

29-11-08, 22:54
Thanks. I am straight and had a few serious g.fs in the past but I have suffered OCD along with anxiety lately.

I'm suffering HOCD at the moment: http://www.brainphysics.com/hocd.php

Not sure what I will do about the job yet.