View Full Version : Question about your first panic attack at an early age.

29-11-08, 02:52
Hai2u frands!!11

Iam new to this Panic attack scene.
I just wanted to say OMFG!
Panic attacks are shocking!

I had a question for you panic attack sufferers.

Describe you first panic attack to the details.

I will Be first.

It all started on a regular day of mine. That day i decided to change my attitude towards myself and my familly. Did some landscaping work for my father, felt really good the whole day. Smoked up some cannabis. But when i went to bed and closed my eyes i felt that something was not right. It felt like my brain was going ful speed , like if your brain is about to explode or something. I got hella fricking scared, opened my eyes and jumped out of the bed. My heart was racing. I was like WTF. Then i kinda calmed down and went to a doctor the next day.

The worst thing is probably the derealization feeling, where you feel so depressed, confused at the same time it is ridiculous. Most of you have probably felt it in your life.

Also my second panic attack was really scary. It all happened at the same circumstances. I went to sleep and not even 10 seconds after closing my eyes i felt this urge to get up and get scared. I got up my BP was like 198/100 with 108 beats per minute. I then started to feel like iam a bout to feint. my body got cold, it was kinda weird because it felt like i was starting to loose hearing. Then my head started to spin, i got those yellow sparks around my eyes. I was taken outside on the fresh air and threw up, then i started to feel normal after 5-10 minutes. though i've had tremors for like 20 minutes.

Now iam on medications Zoloft 50 mg. It feels alot better with them , but i dont dwell on it. Iam looking forward to be discontinued of that med and start my life all over again. I want to quit Smoking cigarettes cold turkey . But i will stil smoke cannabis ocassionaly, because it is alot better than drinking or any other crap.

Anyways. Please share you worst expiriences. :hugs:

29-11-08, 07:16
Can I just give you some words of advice STOP smoking the wacky backy, it is a well known fact that taking recreational drugs causes all sorts of mental health issues including anxiety paronoya depression so stay away from them they will be contributing to your panic attacks.

Veronica H
29-11-08, 10:30
hi Sabotage

Afraid you are in denial about the cannibis. I have a friend who has had terrible mental health problems as a result of cannibis use. Cut it out now. We have to give you honesty here at NMP. Take care.


29-11-08, 23:33
I understand you guys.
But iam not in denial.
I havent smoked since early august.
All i want is a friday toke with listening to my favorite music. I DEFFINATELY wont smoke as much as i used to. But cannabis makes you feel so much better than alcohol/cigarettes and such.... All i want is a friday night smoke...
It makes me very sad that i cant smoke anymore :/ I know it will go away but... I dont know....

30-11-08, 12:44
You may think the wacky backy makes you feel better but believe me by continuing to smoke it even if it is occasionally is not going to help you and this is a well known medical fact. It is up to you weather or not you accept peoples advice to stay away from it we cannot force you not to smoke it but I really hope that you listen and stay away from it because it will be contributing to you feeling the way you do and I noticed you wrote you had a massive P.A. after smoking the stuff is that not enough evidence to convince you

30-11-08, 18:34
You may think the wacky backy makes you feel better but believe me by continuing to smoke it even if it is occasionally is not going to help you and this is a well known medical fact. It is up to you weather or not you accept peoples advice to stay away from it we cannot force you not to smoke it but I really hope that you listen and stay away from it because it will be contributing to you feeling the way you do and I noticed you wrote you had a massive P.A. after smoking the stuff is that not enough evidence to convince you

Well, before i got my first serious panic attack i was smoking cannabis for over 2 years. Everyday. And then ony 1 night after 2 years i get a panic attack. If i got a panic attack after smoking for a week, a month , a few months or something like that i would deffinately quit forever. But i have been smoking for 2 years!

30-11-08, 18:48
It seems to me that your mind is made up and its your life to do with it whatever you want I just feel sorry that you wont listen, you are young and naive but just do a little bit of research on the mental effects of smoking canibas you will find that I am right.

I just think that if there is a way to at least lessen the P.A.s then it is worth giving it a try, I can only present you with the facts and its down to you what you decide to do.

I wish you well in the future whatever you decide to do

30-11-08, 20:32
So i have researched, and it seems that cannabis causes depression and schizophrenia. Iam guessing depression could lead to P.A. ?
It also says that one has to be using cannabis REGULARLY. Which iam not going to do ever again in ma life. All i want is a little bit. I mean cmon, people can drink a glass of wine or a bottle of beer on a friday night right ? So why cant i smoke a little bowl of cannabis on a friday night and forget about it until next friday ?

30-11-08, 21:03
Hiya :)

I think maybe this thread has got a little off track as you posted asking for others experiences of their first panic attacks.
There are loads of threads on this already, if you use the search function you will probably be able to track them down.:)
But..now I'm going to go off topic:D You ask why you can't have a smoke every friday night and the answer to that is of course you can, you're an adult and capable of making your own decisions.
You also know that your first big attack was after a smoking session..there is a possibility that the two may not be linked but an equally high chance that the Cannabis caused it! People here have given you advice but it's up to you if you want to take it on board.
So..I guess the ball's in your court..I wish you well.

30-11-08, 23:45
Iam basically going to wait until i completely stop using Zoloft.
Before that iam going to quit cigarettes.
And some time after iam done with Zoloft i will try to smoke cannabis.
If after 1 month of smoking on fridays if i wont expirience any discomfort iam going to continue until i start getting panic attacks. If i get any i will quit cold turkey.