View Full Version : Newtothis

29-11-08, 09:25

Just stumbled on this site whilst looking for my symptoms (i know!) on the internet. I'm 36, a manager and I have been suffering for about 3 years now with what my doctor calls anxiety issues. I find this really difficult to get my head round, as i think i'm a laid back kind of person as a general rule. I get a lot of the symptoms including dizziness, prickling and pain in the chest, numbness, etc, etc. I dont want to go on, but I refused to believe that this wasn't some sort of life threatening condition, in fact i'm so convinced that he has referred me to a neurologist, as they have checked my heart, bloods etc.and everything appears normal. I just want to feel normal, but I can have 2 days where I don't have any symptoms, and then I literally struggle to function at home and work for the next week....does anybody have symptons of dizziness and lethargy that last more than a couple of days or so? thanks for listening x

29-11-08, 09:53
Hi Logger,:)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I get all the symptoms that you describe. I found it difficult to believe that anxiety itself could cause them. Since I have realised that it can I have found it easier to deal with.

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

29-11-08, 10:01
Hello I'm new too,

I'm 43 and work in an office. I've suffered health anxiety for about 10 years and am currently in a real mess. Insomnia - going to the bathroom throughout the night - caught in cycle and I just can't break it.

The dizziness you mention I experienced myself for several years - It got to the point where I kept thinking I would fall over in the street. I would look at the ceiling at work and it would be spinning. It is awful I know - but from experience I can assure you it will go. It's so typical of health anxiety - the more you focus on it - the worse it gets. I only wish I could apply this knowledge to my current health anxiety.

Good luck

29-11-08, 10:12
Thanks, I try not to let it affect me as much as I can, but its so scary, and I think because I just try to get on with things, nobody realises how bad I feel. I hope the dizziness will go in time, but as you say it doesn't help when you have an episode, as all you can think about is passing out, heart attack or whatever. I'm embarrassed to say that I took myself to casualty the other week, I really did think I was going to die. I actually, for the first time in my life, took a week of sick from work, and for most of the week I felt fine. I've tried relaxation, excersise, breathing etc, nothing seems to work.

29-11-08, 10:16
I went to Casualty last week and had a week off work - thinking the rest would do me good - it made me worse - probably because I had more time to dwell on my problems.

29-11-08, 18:21
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

Veronica H
29-11-08, 20:58
Hi logger

:welcome: to NMP. You will find many similar posts to your own here. The symptoms, the presenting at A and E, the tests. I could have written it myself, especially the dizzy spells. There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'Self help for your nerves' published by Thorsons ISBN 978-0-7225-3155-6. This is available from the NMP Shop. I cannot recommend this enough as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover. Her recordings can be downloaded free to your MP3 from the NMP Shop too. This will get better.


30-11-08, 14:44
Thankyou for your kind comments, and I will definately be looking up the self help items, I feel so much more positive reading the threads on this site, and knowing that there are so many people struggling with the same things, almost identical syptoms etc, thank you again x