View Full Version : What I Did!

29-11-08, 10:30
I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this post but if somone, just one person gets some benefit from it then I don' care where it should be :D

This site did 2 things for me, well 3 really.
1. Reading so many stories about the hell people go through with anxiety made me realise that I had to get help. My problem was a health anxiety related and being scared of what symptoms I was having. Something different all the time, and as one symptom dissapperared another would show. I was scared frustrated, angry becuse I didn't know what was happening. And there lies the clue. I didn't know! I was seeing a phycologist who was telling me how I can change my thought patterns and positive thinking etc but she wasn't telling my why I was having these symptoms. These REAL symptoms. I had been to the Dr's and had all the tests ppl talk about on here I even ended up at a psychiatrist that charged $330.00 an hour. That was all good and I did learn a few things from him but they werent telling me why I was getting the symptoms. Not one of them.!!!
2. Next thing I did was by a book. Pretty simple really. One that is recommended in here I think. I was on holidays in Thailand where I think I reached my lowest point. I was in beautiful Koh Samui and I wanted to do was stay in the hotel room and be a recluse worrying about what dreadful disease I could be dying from. So I came in here to try and get some reassurance. I went into the chat area and some wonderful person, I forget who it was, recommended Claire Weekes " Complete self help for your nerves" This book, you could say, changed my life. Finally I was starting to find out why this was happening to me. While I was reading I could look back over the last 12 months and realise why I have ended up withthis condition. It was like a big blanket being lifted off of me.
3. Whilst reading a post in the health anxiety forum I read about a guy that had great benefit from another web site called anxiety centre dot com . Having joined this web site the take you on a course that is structured around CBT. And like Claire Weekes book it is big on the fact that understanding anxiety and how it effects you is one of the most important things to do before you can move forward into recovery.
For me I finally had the understanding. I have accepted the fact I have anxiety. I have tools to tackle PA's, and I know that I have to be patient and let time pass before I will be free of anxiety.
Now I can look forward to the future and know I'm goin gto be there with a smile on my face.
Thanks for reading
p.s. The one thing that the psych told me to do, and it works for me, is that when I get a new symptom, or feel the anxiety starting to build I just tell myself " It's anxiety stupid " Simple but effective for me.


29-11-08, 11:17
Just thought I'd send you a reply. I really do think this is useful post, if it only gets people reading Claire Weekes, that would be good enough. Fear is such a nasty thing, but it is part of out survival mechanism, just that mechanism goes wonky from time to time. Glad you're on the road to recovery and it is a road. I've stopped putting pressure on my self to recover quickly, the body sorts things out in it's own time.

Thanks again for your thoughs:yesyes:

its all good
29-11-08, 11:39
Hey dooges, i see ur back on dry land now. U seem a lot happier anyway cause i know u said u felt like ur were letting the mrs down cause u were suffering in thailland. Glad to hear u r getting better mate, i think acceptance can be a big part of dealing with any health issue and then u can start to learn how to manage and live with ur condition from there. Gud on u, best of luck dooges, luv kayliegh xx