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29-11-08, 11:35
hello all, i really dont know where to start i really need some advise, im a 28 year male, been going to the gym for the past 4 years, am muscular build 13 1/2 stone, 5f 10, i was using steroids for 2 years anabolic tablets and injections, after i looked on the internet, im not saying its a good thing but we all make mistakes, i have been off them 2 months now since i have been feeling like i do, i work in a busy car dealership the job is stressfull, and i have a lot of stress in my life this year, with money, my daughters mum who im not with now, and the CSA, skinting me every month, i was also taking cocaine on a regular basis again no excuse, i would never ever do it again, but it just took my mind of things at the time,
so it all started with an eptopic heart beat about 6 months ago, which i went to hospital and they did an ecg and put me on a heart monitor, and said it was not the steroids or the Cocaine it was stress and it would go, which i didnt belive, i was convinced it was something else, so i stopped everything and about a month later it went just like like that, so again like an idiot i started back on the steroids and the other, untill 2 months ago,
i started having a pain in my head and worried and worried about it went to doctors had a full blood count, was fine a diabieties test fine thyroid fine, i went to opticans, all fine and just had a ct scan which i get the results in december 22nd when i see the specialist, but the guy who did the scan said everything looked fine, i cant stop thinking i have something, i thought i had MS a brain Tumor, im getting Muscle twitches now randomly, mainly my legs and like a warm feeling in my ankle, which i have been getting for about a year, its like my personallity has changed i never cared about anything before, i was such a strong person,
and now i have not been to the gym for 2 months which was the only thing i liked, i just dont feel myself my newest thing i think i have is Motor nurones diesese, i am none stop thinking i have something its in my head all the time, im checking my pulse about 50 times a day i have never done that before, im not training and every day, i feel like i cant breath my lips tingle, it does not happen all the time, but i can it feels like im thinking to breath, some chest pains, but not all the time, its driving me mad. im so worried all the time, i just want to feel like me again. i just cant accept its caused by stress im 110 percent its something else i am a worrier and to feel stressed, but not to the extreme,so is it,? are they panic attacks,???????? its weird i now am waking up during the night for no reason, its effecting my job, and my life if any one could spread some light on the situation, i would be very greatful,
pain has gone in head now, but muscle twiching is still here randomly, and these tight chest feelings,???

anx mum
29-11-08, 11:56
Hi luke glad u got your post on. Im Bev i know exactly how u feel ive had lots of different symptoms which have really scared me. I too im constantly checking my pulse my bp. If u ever wanna chat pm me

its all good
29-11-08, 12:01
I know when i have panic attacks because of my phobia i do get chest pains and breath erratically so it may be pa's. You do sound like u r really stressed and with health anxs worries this can effect ur body in many diff ways. Sniff can make u paranoid and i know this can have a lasting effect depending on the length of time u used it and in what quantity, as it has on a friend of mine. Stress really does effect every1 in diff ways and u wud be surprised at sum of the ways it can effect ur body when ur feelin down. Hope all goes ok with results from hosp, am sure it will, best wishes, luv kayliegh x

29-11-08, 12:31
its just weird, i took it for about 5 years on and off and i took lots the past year, im mean stupid amounts, everyday,???? i just never thought it could effect me like this, its like im not me anymore, im not getting alot of chest pain, just the breathing, normally starts later on about 4 pm then last on and off till 7, could it be stress?????? i am just convinced its something bad? cheers for your reply, xxx

29-11-08, 12:32
why how do you feel did it just happen randomly? it just seems to happen for no reason, xxx

anx mum
29-11-08, 12:39
Hi again with me it happend randomly whilst i was on holiday in Greece. Its been going on 4months now. U name it ive had it chest pains, pins and needles, my main problem at the moment is my breathing. Im convinced something is wrong im housebound really down