View Full Version : Depersonaliation can it lead to something worse?

29-11-08, 12:41
Can anyone reassure me please. Can this lead to something worse? like psychosis? what is that?? as arnt some of the symptoms almost like delusions though?? help please how would you know if its dp or your having delusions? or whatever else? help

29-11-08, 13:32
No symptom of panic or anxiety can lead to anything dangerous EVER. They are all just very scary symptoms. Another symptom of anxiety and panic is to think that what you have will turn fatal or life threatening so your question is a symptom in itself. I do it all the time. During bad times I constantly think I will never get better and that I am going mad but trust me you are not. Nothing bad will happen to you. These are only symptoms of panic.
I hope this makes you feel better cheeky!