View Full Version : my history of panic...

29-11-08, 13:34
Hi, im 28 years old my sister was killed in a car accident when i was 15 - id always loved cars and was determined to lean to drive - all was well until i was around 18 years old - i flew to turkey for a girlie holiday - on the way there i had a few drinks so i was fine - on the way back i wasnt, my panic attaks had started, i had experinced them before but hadt relised what they where. i carried on with life and tried to forget about them - then in 2004 i went to malta with my mum, knowing i may have a panic attack my doctor perscribed my diazapam 5mg, he gave me several tablets - on the flight out there i was fine, id taken 1 tablet and was just chilled out - enjoyed my holiday alot, went to the aiport to go home and eneded up waiting around for what seemed like hours - i took maybe three tablets and my body just went into total panic, i even left my seat just as the plane was about to take off to try and get off the plane - they moved us up the cabin where i had more space but that was so terrifying and embarrassing - i was a stiff all the way home which spoilt my holiday. then my next proper experience of panic was when i was driving, it was awful - i was driving along a long stright roa

29-11-08, 13:40
[quote=cattyk;426811]Hi, im 28 years old my sister was killed in a car accident when i was 15 - id always loved cars and was determined to lean to drive - all was well until i was around 18 years old - i flew to turkey for a girlie holiday - on the way there i had a few drinks so i was fine - on the way back i wasnt, my panic attaks had started, i had experinced them before but hadt relised what they where. i carried on with life and tried to forget about them - then in 2004 i went to malta with my mum, knowing i may have a panic attack my doctor perscribed my diazapam 5mg, he gave me several tablets - on the flight out there i was fine, id taken 1 tablet and was just chilled out - enjoyed my holiday alot, went to the aiport to go home and eneded up waiting around for what seemed like hours - i took maybe three tablets and my body just went into total panic, i even left my seat just as the plane was about to take off to try and get off the plane - they moved us up the cabin where i had more space but that was so terrifying and embarrassing - i was a stiff all the way home which spoilt my holiday. then my next proper experience of panic was when i was driving, it was awful - i was driving along a long stright road, i now dont drive hardly anywhere. im due to go to tunisia for my honeymoon next july and need something to keep me calm for 3hours only - please any ideas?

29-11-08, 15:38
Hi Cattyk,

I am so sorry to hear of the sad loss of your sister.

I can understand the feelings of panic attacks & anxiety you describe when on planes and when driving. It can be so difficult to deal with.

Although I haven't been to counselling myself I have read that Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can help with this.

I have also just seen that Paul McKenna does 'Phobia Downloads' for both flying & driving under the 'Therapy' section on this web-site. I might give the 'driving' one of those a try.

Hope this helps,

Best wishes xx :bighug1: