View Full Version : ovarian cancer still worrying...any advice please,please read

29-11-08, 15:19
i ams till worrying over this ovarian cancer and i dont know why, i am thinking about it all day,when i wake up in the night etc and its really upsetting me today i have just about had enough of feeling like this i just cant take anymore, its interferring with everything i wont even let my partner come near me in a sexual way because im now getting scared of sex in case it hurts and then if it hurts i will then worry, how ridiculous is that,
im hoping someone can give me some reassurance that all 4 professional ] 1 std nurse, 1 ovarian cancer nurse specialist, and my 2 practice nurses are all right that i have nothing to worry about........:lac:

i get a twinge now and then in my lower right side near where my groin meets my leg, it doesnt feel a deep twinge it just feels like its under skin, it doesnt hurt when i press only if i press a lot and bruise myself:blush: , the worry over the twinge started in april/may time i then calmed down a little over it and when i spoke to ovarian cancer nurse i forgot about it for at least 4 weeks until i was poorly with flu/upset stomach and since then the thought has been there every day,
i do remember having the twinge back in 2004:blush: but i nwasnt concerned about my health then so it didnt worry me,

can anyone please help me out here

29-11-08, 21:10
anybody? please reply

29-11-08, 21:20
Well in my opinion I would say you definitely don't have ovarian cancer.:hugs: I get twinges too where my ovary is - I only have the right one because I had the left one removed when I was 28 just after giving birth to my first baby. I got a ovarian cyst that grew in pregnancy and it was the size of a grapefruit according to my consultant who operated on me. They decided to take the ovary out too and told me I might not have any more children but within two months of the operation I was pregnant again.:huh: I also went on to have another baby at nearly 38 years old.:huh: I have worried about ovarian cancer quite a few times because of having that cyst. I'm not sure if ovarian cancer is cysts or not though but my cyst strangulated so I had to have it operated on within two weeks of diagnosing it. My ovary that they took out was apparently healthy though and no cause for concern but every pain I get on the right side now I always worry if I have another cyst or not.:unsure:

I think you have just got anxiety.{{{{{hugs}}}}

There is a bloodtest you can have at the doctors that tests for this called a CA125. I had this before I had my ovary out and the results came back that I may have cancer because something in my blood was higher than it should be. Apparently though other things can make the reading high so I'm not sure if its that reliable although this was over 17 years ago when I had my son. I have had a CA125 test since then at the doctors when I was worrying about ovarian cancer a few years ago and it came back okay.

29-11-08, 21:28
hello jennie,

I am so sorry you are feeling low with this ovarian cancer worry. I wish i could say something which could reassure you. i know how difficult it is when an idea becomes so set in the mind, it is difficult to shift it. The nurses who have advised you, especially the ovarian cancer nurse specialist, know what they are talking about, and have no conerns about your symptoms. Try hard to trust in what they say. I know from my experience with health anxiety how difficult it is not to worry, and how the slightest twinge always sets me off. Don't prod and poke anymore, because it is more than likely you are irritating a nerve in your groin area, which is going to prolong your worry. I don't know if you have received any cbt or any other treatment for your anxiety - it might be worth considering, because it is such a wretched thing to contend with.

29-11-08, 21:59

I am sure this is nothing to worry about I always remember being told that Cervical Cancer is a silent killer. So that makes me sure that it is not that you are experiencing. If you are worried please speak to your doctor.

Take care of yourself.


30-11-08, 12:44
hi everyone
thank you so much for your replies,it does help
i know ive got to trust in the professional but it is so hard, i think i have irritated my groin and stomach now with poking because it feels a little bruised,thank you again

30-11-08, 17:00
when will this worry ever end?will i ever feel ok again? why does the mind convince you of one thing and then straight onto another:ohmy:

30-11-08, 17:20
hello jennie,

Unfortunately this is the nature of health anxiety; it seems your mind can't rest and has to be worrying about something - it is a horrible condition.

I know it is extremely difficult, but try very hard not to prod and poke because it just adds to the anxiety.

30-11-08, 21:13
hi everyone

thank you so much for your replies, i have settled a bit now i have some other peoples opinions, but i have just googled:blush: really really sorry and some real stories have had twinging pain!!

i dont get the twinge every day and it doesnt hurt its just happens,please please does this sound like ovarian cancer

i have taken the pill for 15 years approx and had 2 pregnancies and been off pill about 5 years in total since started periods at nearly 12 years old


01-12-08, 13:38
had a really bad night last night didnt sleep too well an when i did i was dreaming of cancer:weep:

i rang the gp this morning because i decided enough is enough and i want this anxiety etc under control, they normally can fit you in that day but they were fully booked so i was told to ring back at10.10 to speak to a triage nurse!! never had that before, anyway when i spoke to her it was the nurse i saw 2 weeks ago with the ovarian cancer worry, she went over it all again with me and said i had nothing to worry about, she has booked me in to see gp on wednesday to go over this anxiety and she said she will also tell me i have nothing to worry about

why cant i just trust the professionals?why is it so hard?

01-12-08, 13:47
hi matey, so sorry i only just read your post, i emailed u before i saw this.

im glad u going docs for your anxiety hun , mayb abit more counselling will b good for you, i know how easy it is to worry and even if hundred people tell u one thing u still will believe the opposite until u control your anxiety.

here for you, hugs xxxxxxxx

01-12-08, 14:09

Please dont worry any more about this. Main symptoms for OC are lower back pain and frequency and urgency of going for a wee.

The fact that you are young, have been on the pill for years and have had children early on cut your chances of getting it to practically nil.

You need to listen to what the Drs are saying and try to put your mind at rest.

Best of luck

01-12-08, 18:21
hi everyone,

thank you so much for your replies, i have got to try and put this to rest because its takin over and i have had enough of this dreadul HA

thank you again for all your replies:hugs:

16-09-14, 21:57
Hi I feel your worry, i have the achyness where my groin meets my leg too and think I can feel swollen glands but all the prodding is probably not helping either.....I also have the food intollerances and my bowel on the left lower side is swollen at the moment but I do think its bowel. I am also 15 days late for my period and think its all the start of the menopause; I'm47. I have an appt in a couple of weeks time and will see how things are. Also taking some supplemnets for my bowel (l glutamine) to see if that helps settle it and avoiding all the things that trigger it. (which is a lot!). HOpe you are feeling better today. I do take a low dose duloxetine which helps my ha.

23-09-14, 11:01
I have the exact same problem too and i was worried about ovarian cancer for 18 months. I still have the pain, exactly how you describe. Ive been to countless gynecologists and had alot of ultrasounds. They cant find a problem.

I hope you feel better soon

23-09-14, 15:22

I know someone who had ovarian cancer. It's a silent cancer but there are symptoms and it can be detected. If you have seen that many doctors and nothing is turning up I would say you are perfectly fine. Now if you could just get your mind to catch up! :)

I also had my own time when i thought I had it. Felt like I had pain in the area but remember any type of exercise or even walking can cause some groin discomfort and also things change during your menstrual cycle which can cause different feelings. And definitely stop poking yourself! lol I do it to, enough that I give myself bruises and then I can tell if the pain is from me poking or if it always hurt that much.

I hope you feel better asap! :)

23-09-14, 19:58
It's pretty rare to get OC before menopause. Plus you've been on the pill for ages - that actually helps prevent OC. If it's any consolation I often get that thingy feeling in that area too, sometimes mid cycle or just before my period. I think it's a normal thing. Trust your doctors! X