View Full Version : What the flipping 'eck is this??

29-11-08, 18:07
About 2/3 months ago i was woken up in the night with horrendous pain in my right side which travelled up into my right shoulder and stayed there. It was agony and i found it hard to breathe.

Since then, i get it every now and then (mostly at night), but along side that i feel constantly sick, i can barely eat because i feel full up all the time.

I don't want to go to the doctors because they already think i am a

29-11-08, 19:37
hello belle,

Don't worry about going to the doctor, there are times when we need to be checked - even if it is only to give us peace of mind. I expect your doctor realises you suffer from health anxiety, and will be understanding. I once went through a stage of feeling sick most of the time, and was told it was because i was producing too much acid, and wasn't able to digest my food properly. I was getting more and more concerned about it, and it was quite a relief once i made the appointment to see the doctor. I am sure your doctor will be able to give you some reassurance, and a good reason for your symptoms.

30-11-08, 23:22
It would be worth getting an ultrasound of your gallbladder to rule out gallstones as that causes night time pain under right rib and especially into right shoulderblade. This is only one of the things it could be. Try eating a very low fat diet and see if this stops the attacks coming back. Nothing to panic about as even if you do have gallstones ( I have lots of little ones) the first treatment is low fat diet and if that stops the attacks then all is well.

I have had my gallstones for 15 yrs and as long as I avoid certain foods I am fine. Large stones or one large stone tends to cause the most problems as it can't go down the plughole so to speak.

so worth a Dr visit as this is first thing he will think of.