View Full Version : Cant Stop...any Help?

29-11-08, 23:05
hi so i have tried controlling my HA, and someitmes it does work ( ie. deep breathing, distractions ect.), i am still having a lot of problomes, mainly i have this fear of somthing bad happening in the future to me or my family, paticularly i have this fear of cancer, im 21 years old, and i get scared of everything thinking that its going to lead to cancer, like today at work i was afraid of the exposure to the laser at my till ( i am a cashier at an gorcery store.) i posted on this forum like a week ago about how i read article and how it mentions the carcinogens in makeup and i cant even wear makeup anymore ( which is hurting my confidence whixh is another story) anyways the point is i have this extreme fear of cancer, and if there is ever anything wrong with me i link it to that, or i worry about the future which distracts me from studying or spending time with my frineds or family, please somebody help, i dont want to be consumed with this all the time

29-11-08, 23:56
My biggest fear is my health, but speaking to people on here has made me realise life is too short, some people on here have been convinced they are seriously ill for 20+ years and have stopped living their lifes because of that fear they have let it consume them. That scares me more then actually being ill. I see it as we have no control over being ill, we can take precautions with leading a healthy life exercises eating right not taking drugs etc but there are people on this forum who are genuinely ill who are leading a more fulfilling life then me. Thats been a kick up the back side for me. Yeah im still anxious about being ill, i'll still check for lumps and bumps and worry but i wont let it cripple me. Why worry about something i cant control?

30-11-08, 00:02
I am scared of my wireless router giving me cancer. I only just found out a few months back that they were a risk and I have been sat right in front of it for a few years now when on the internet.:huh: I'm not quite sure what the risks are but I don't know if moving it would be better but we need it so my teenagers upstairs can get their computers online as it would be hard to wire it to their bedrooms.

30-11-08, 00:02
Hi jske, i too have a fear of cancer and think that every ailment i have will be cancerous and it will be terminal. You are not alone on this as many people have this fear. I really have to take force myself to be rational for instance i have a small lump behind my knee, i've had it for 4 years or there abouts. I went to the doctor when i first detected it she said it was just a small blood vessell that had burst and would not cause me any harm. It has always been tender ish but last night i unconsously scratched it and it felt huge so naturally i start to panic, feel sick etc now the backache i've been suffering with is related, headaches everything but actually it hasn't grown, it's not any more tender than it 1st was. Although i will go and get a second opinion (after 4yrs!!!) i have calmed myself down. You have to force yourself to think rationally, i know its hard but HA can take such a strong hold over you and ultimately your the only one who can control it. All the best x x

30-11-08, 03:16
hey, thnaks for the responses, they have put me at ease for now, the worry was a little more than usual today, but i guess like all of you are saying, i need to stop being so consumed with somthing i cant control... thanks, i will look back to these posts if i find myslef spiralling down again

30-11-08, 10:18
I've experienced exactly the same issues as you, I'm 20 and my health anxiety all got kicked off by a mystery illness a few months ago. I'm now dealing with depression, as well as trying not to panic about my health.

I've stopped the majority of obsessing about my current health situation, and now panic about the future, i was a smoker so its mostly the lung cancer fear! But as all these people have said I dont want to lose my life worrying about it, I'm getting slowly better, each day I get more positive about things, I've done my research and I'm staying in close touch with my doctors for the time being - the best thing you can do is to ignore those things that say 'phones will give you cancer, lasers will give you cancer'.

I only take my research from reputable cancer charities and studies that have been conducted over long periods of time with lots of people. Message me if you wanna chat - I get the feeling we're in a similar situation! :)

30-11-08, 11:19
:flowers: I do really sympathise with you on this problem - fear is the greatest evil when it is it is fear for fears sake.
I also suffer badly with HA :weep:
But just to shed a little light on scare stories :mad:
A few years ago coffee - was soooo bad for you :ohmy: now it is good for you
Butter was bad - now it is good
something in cabbage was dangerous and i panicked because i love cabbage - it turned out that i would need to eat about 10 pound of cabbage at one sitting:ohmy: :ohmy: for it to be bad.
I am not trying to be clever or bossy when i comment on your fear of make up:weep:
The laser light on your till must be OK - just think of "health an safety" they would shut every till in the country if there was the slightest danger.
Please... if you think of the HUGE amounts that actors wear every night on stage or in the films.... the small amout that you wear surely must be OK?????:yesyes:
best wishes