View Full Version : Terrible Palpitations

29-11-08, 23:36
Hi There I Have Been A Member For A While But Havent Posted In A Long Time But Often Read Your Posts.i Have Had Panic Attacks For About 10 Years I Am 34 Now .i Have Ectopics ,flutters ,fast U Name It Ive Had It.i Seemed To Be Coping Well With It All Lately Until About A Month Ago I Took A Terrible Attack Of Ectopics U No The Ones That Come In Runs ,1 After The Other And Big Thuds Then A Fast Hearbeat For A Second Then More Big Ectopics 1 After The Other It Lasted About 5 Minutes Then My Heart Rate Went Up To 160 Beats Per Minute ,i No This Cos I Work In The Hospital And Was Just Finishing My Shift When It Happened And 1 Of My Collegues Took Me In To The Ward To Get Me Checked ,my Blood Pressure Was 186/122 I Really Thought I Was Dying ,they Took Me Down To A&e And GaVe Me Ecg And Said My Heart Was So Fast But They Said It Prob Panic Cos Of The Ectopics,my Bb Eventually Came Down To 160/90 .they Let Me Go Wen My Heart Had Calmed Down.i Got A Bp Monitor To Check It At Home And It Was 120/79 .then Again The Other Day The Same Thing Happend At Work A Horrid Run Of Ectopics And Irregular Beats 1 After The Other Then Really Fast Again.the Nurse Took My Bp And It Was187/23 This Time ,so Again Off Thy Took Me To A&e Did The Whole Thing Again Ecg Etc Bp Came Down To 156/90 And Wen At Home Again It Was Normal.it All Really Frightend The Life Out Of Me ,and Beleive Me Wen I Say I Have Had Every Type Of Palp Going,but THese Lot Were The Worst Yet It Was As If My Heart Was Stalling ,i Really Didnt Think It Would Go Back To Normal.the Thing Is I Was Really Trying To Ignore It Wen It Happened As I No Panicing Makes It So Much Worse But They Came Anyway With A Real Bad Run .i Would Like To Hear From Any1 With The Same Experience Just For A Bit Of Reasurance Kind Regards Molly

30-11-08, 12:32
Hi Would Luv To Hear From Anyone Who Suffers These Awful Runs Of Ectopics That Happen 1 After The Other Kind Regards Molly

30-11-08, 13:31
Hi Molly - I have exactly the same as you. I work in theatres and I went to work the other day after not sleeping at all. I has a major panic attack on the way to work and had to drive to my friend's house - I calmed down and then someone from work came and followed me to work. My heart misbehaved all day - bi-geminy, runs of 4 - you name it. I have it all on an ECG because of where I was, but I KNOW that fright made my blood pressure rocket and made my ectopics ten times worse. The mind can be a terrible thing, and I knew that morning that I may have a panic attack because of my lack of sleep - I GAVE myself one because I was anticipating it and with me, that brings on the ectopics straight away. I have had my heart checked out and although my ectopics can be extreme, I have been told that they are harmless. They scare the sh** out of me when they happen but I think the key is to manage the anxiety - very difficult I know! You are not alone!

30-11-08, 16:52
Hi There Thanks For Your Reply ,i Just Wish They Didnt Take Over My Life The Way They Do .thanks Again Molly X

Rachey poos
30-11-08, 18:27
molly i have been havin these for 18 months..... pm me if u like hun, check out my diary below.... tells u all xxxx