View Full Version : Worried about my mum

30-11-08, 02:54
My HA has been easing lately and I'm definitely worrying less about myself. Now I'm worried about my mum instead. :unsure:

She says she woke up the other day and the room was spinning. She tried to get up and do stuff but felt sick and had to go back to bed. My mum's got an iron constitution and it takes a lot to knock her back. She spent all day in bed and felt tired, washed out and dizzy all day. She says she feels a bit better now not fully well. I'm not convinced that she's not saying she feels better than she really does. She says she "doesn't think it's worth" going to the doctor just now.

I'm really worried about her and feel anxious and tearful. I don't want her to know that I'm upset about it and so just chat calmly to her and agree with her diagnosis that she's just been "overdoing it lately". I'm trying not to interrogate her about her symptoms. She's 63. Anyone got any ideas? What could it be? Her sister died of pancreatic cancer at the end of last year and I'm so, so worried.:unsure:

30-11-08, 06:31
Definitely a balance problem there, she needs to go to the doctor to get him to check it out. Some one I know (a little older than your mum) had such terrible vertigo that she couldn't leave her bed. She was 'ill' with it for months despite seeing a consultant.

It was nothing to do with cancer even though she felt ill with it.

That was the beginning of the year one day in the summer, I saw her out and she said she felt better but just wanted to get home again.

A school friend had Ménière's disease and was quite poorly with that.

30-11-08, 08:30
Hello Leebee

i am really sorry to hear about your mother... i know how you feel.. im very close to my grandparents they are very very old and i love them with all my heart... i couldnt imagin what id be like if somthing happened to one of them... and well a few months ago my grandpa got really sick! i lost so much sleep over it... he could stand up without feeling dizzy it was horrible he layed in bed all day and when he got up he felt dizzy and weak.. he is 87 years old he went to see a doctor and well it turned out he needed a pace maker .. he is fine now.. but just seeing him like that scared me so much.. trust me i know what its like to worry about somone u care about! please let us know how your mother is doing.. i think you should drag her to the doctor for a check up.. i know i would if it was one of my grandparents :noangel:

30-11-08, 23:52
Thanks Trixie and Malv. I spoke to mum this morning and she says the dizziness has subsided and she is feeling better. She is resting today and not rushing around doing 10 things at once like she usually does. She has promised to go to the doctor if she feels worse again. I do feel very relieved. Just a shock because she so rarely gets ill. Thanks for your words, they really did help :) .