View Full Version : Fear for my son

30-11-08, 08:22
besides still obsessing over that thing in my mouth.. ivefound somthing new to obsess over.. everytime my son eats i freak out.. that might sound silly... but everytime he chokes over food my heart races and i panic.. and well tonight i made him a very yummy dinner.. and he was eating it and enjoying it and started choking!!!!!! omg!!!!!! i freak out everytime because i dont know what to do but pat his back... Every single time he eats.. im sitting down having a panic attack and after tonight its going to be worse... any advise (i already tell him to chew his food!!)

he is only 2:noangel:

30-11-08, 08:33
Cut his food up into small pieces and don't leave him unattended (he is too young to eat on his own anyway) BUT for goodness sake don't' scare him every time he takes a mouthful other wise he will be too frightened to eat.:ohmy:

30-11-08, 10:14
I was exactly the same with my little girl, I still am when she eats apples as she is particularly prone to choking on them. My mum gave me the same advice as Trixie and I make sure I cut everything up small and I make a conscious effort not to watch her all the time while she's eating and if she does start choking I encourage her to cough it up herself and pat her on the back if she's struggling.

Just remember you do know what to do, every time he's choked in the past he's been alright and he'll only get better at chewing as time goes on.

07-12-08, 10:18
thanks for the advice :hugs:

07-12-08, 11:32
Oh Malv - these kids are sent to test us aren't they:hugs:

I know exactly how you feel, this has always been one of my big fears.

Just try to remember 2 things - their gag reflex is so strong when they are this age. And that there is a big difference between gagging and choking!

Hang in there - he will find something new to test you with sooner than you know!:winks:

08-12-08, 09:40
I was just talking about this with a friend yesterday. There is a point when your children are young and still learning to eat and chew and you fret over every little bite they take, b/c they seem to start chocking often. But the gag reflex is their safety mechanism so we should be glad to see it working. Both my sons gagged so much on their food I thought I was going to go crazy. And with each of them it suddenly stopped one day and they ate normally. Don't worry, he'll grow out of it!

10-12-08, 01:18
thank you all so much im feeling abit better about this but now there's somthing new :noangel: he always seems to get sick now he has a weird rash i will post about shortly :shades:

10-12-08, 01:28

Well today i noticed my son had heaps of little spots on his body.. i mean if you take him under the light u can see little red spots.. i think we will call the doctor im so worried... it was my mother in law that poined it out :ohmy: do you think this can be somthing serious? im so worried has anyone with kids ever had somthing like this happen?:shrug:

10-12-08, 03:19
It could be a heat rash, or a bit of ezcema? My son gets a lot of rashes as he has allergies and very sensitive skin. Take him to the GP if it makes you feel better though!

All the best

10-12-08, 05:56
his rash seems to be getting worse :( its spreading abit its on his back and on his face.. it looks like alott of little red dots theres heaps of them.. we are calling the gp tonight im so worried.. i donno what to do im stressed and anxious atm what if its somthing serious

10-12-08, 09:32
I can totally sympathise!
my son (also 2 btw!) is always getting chest infections, he has been hospitalized a couple of times needing help opening his airways (nothing too major thank god).The worst was when he was around 6 months and he just started to go blue around the edges!. Everytime he coughs I feel my heart jump and I rush to him making an idiot of myself!. He has a cold at the moment and I am a nervours wreck thinking he is going to stop breathing!. But I keep having to tell myself "he hasnt been ill for a long time its just a cold its just a cold"....:doh:I wish it worked lol I will prob still panic if he coughs when he is 40


10-12-08, 09:34
just read the bit about the rash - could it be the start of chicken pox? that seems to be going around at the moment, my daughters started with a red dot type rash then turned into more recognizable chicken pox.


16-12-08, 11:01
just read the bit about the rash - could it be the start of chicken pox? that seems to be going around at the moment, my daughters started with a red dot type rash then turned into more recognizable chicken pox.


Hey :noangel:

Well later on that night i called a doctor out and doctor checked him out really good and said it is just a viral infection ... my soon seem to keep getting viral infections! it shows on his skin alott he is always having skin problem! it has gone away now but i cant stand it everytime he gets a weird rash i worry :blush:

16-12-08, 11:04
Son Choked again over chicken that was cut up :mad:
gosh every time i here him coughing from eating foood my heart jumps out of my chest!!! i dont show it i keep it to myself but im freakin out... he always seems to choke!!! i cut up his food and i watch him.. i donno what else to do .. i think its because he eats like a pig .. he just shuvs food in his mouth :scared15: i donno what else to do... i always have to pat his back to help him get it out what if oneday that dosent work? :weep: