View Full Version : always seem to be ill

30-11-08, 09:24
hi all
why do i always feel ill? i really thought I was getting to grips with my panic but in the last two weeks ive had ear infections, tummy bugs and i always feel ill.
i am so upset - i really cant take anymore.
all my blood tests, chest x ray in sep came back fine but i cant believe i would feel like this is there was nothing wrong.
i understand all the health anxiety stuff but i truly believe if i felt well physically i would be so much happier and get back to my normal self.

my family are lovely but have run out of words now...
my life is zilch, everyday passes (i look after my two year old and dont know what id do without him)
please help
choco x:weep:

30-11-08, 09:33
It is quite common to always feel ill. Many people with anxiety problems feel ill for years. Its all in our heads though! trust that and accept it and then you will probably be feeling better.

01-12-08, 11:55
this is one of the things i hate! Even when im not really feeling consiously anxious, i feel physically unwell.

Can never really put my finger on how either! I try to ignore it and just get on with things. I know what you ,mean if you just felt physically well then the panic and anxiety wouldnt be half as bad!

I too went through the thoughts that if there was nothing wrong with me why do i feel like this, but any test i have ever had incl heart stuff has come back normal! Weird!

Take care, you'll get better in time, char xxx

02-12-08, 14:16
thanks for your replies.
i always have this gut feeling lurking that i should keep chasing it up as i am right that there is something wrong. is this normal for anxiety?

i have found these replies a great help - thanks again

choco x

02-12-08, 16:49
yes this is normal...take reassurance from the normal test results and you will start to feel better xxxxx