View Full Version : Can u help?

30-11-08, 16:04
Hi, just signed up today, i suffered a couple of heart attacks in 2002 and had a cardiac arrest having an angiogram, (friday 13th dec 2002) they found a blocked right coronary artery and i have had an angioplasty to keep the artery open, i was 31 i am now 37 and still mentally suffering from the whole experience i have been told my heart is ok but i have recently (on top of everything else) been getting eptopic heart beats which occur 10-15 times aday the ecg says it's not a heart problem but more a fear and panic thing, the only thing that seems to keep them at bay is diazepam but the doctor wont prescribe them, so i have to just cope he says i have bad bouts of anxiety and depression, but try to hold myself together for the sake of my family, my mam died suddenly 8yrs ago with a massive heart atteack and my dad has had three of the and recently an angioplasty too, but he is in his 70's and says if it happens it happens, but he doesnt seem to understand that i am half his age and have a young family...here i go blabbering on.. so if you have taken the time to read this then thanks.. i would like to communicate with people that know what the 'fear' is and those who may just want to talk, thanks again.


Diane O'Brien
30-11-08, 16:17

So sorry to hear about your heart attacks, u are so young. I am 37 also, I welcome you to this lovely site.


Take Care,

Diane xxx

30-11-08, 16:30
welcome to no more panic, i am sorry to hear about the heart attack, hope you get all the support you need and deserve.

take care
louise x

30-11-08, 16:40
hiya, my names joanne, it would be so nice to chat, i suffer with ectopics i got diagnosed 7 yrs ago, i suffer with anxiety and this site is a great help, email me if you want look forward to it, take care

30-11-08, 17:47
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

30-11-08, 18:23
I too had an angioplasty two years ago following unstable angina due to a partially blocked coronary artery. The way I look at it is the problem has been sorted and once an artery has been unblocked why shouldn't it stay unblocked.I see palpitations as what they are -a healthy heart working hard because of fear or even strenuous exercise. I think the key is to see that there is no connection between the heart problems and the palpitations which appears to have been confirmed by what you've said