View Full Version : pulse at 92 beats a min

30-11-08, 16:54
hi my pulse is very fast
i am a fit 33 yr old male who contantly worries about my heart . This is sinc i ad a legiimate scare nealy two years ago. The hospital released me after 8 days saying there was no long term damage, snce then i have expiernced fast beats slow beats skipped neats and extra beats. I have had 2 echo grams both ok holter monitors 4 all saying fast beats slow beats skpped beats but the verdi was no cardiac problem through in a stress test which i was able to complete You would think i would be reassured but i have te odd ecg which has had blips on so i focus on to that.
Th syptoms are always worse after a drink, last nigt i had a bttle of wine to relax and oday my pulse is racing over 90 beats a min this is with 80g f propanyl beta blocker and getting sharp pains in chest. I have been the a and e with symptoms numerous times always saying i am ok. I am sitting here bottling it feeling my pulse thining ai m going to hae a heart attack, i am terified i have been here before but always think this time wll be the one that finishes me. Does anyone else have this ? Is this dangerous ? I also get cramp in my legs what does tis mean ? Am i in danger ?

06-12-08, 21:30
I know this post is from a while ago but I had to reply since I have the exact same thing starting now!
I posted on the general anxiety forum about what happened but basically I went for a routine checkup because I am pregnant and the midwife and consultant starting panicking because my resting heartrate was 140 beats per minute :doh:.
I was whisked out of the midwife bit and admitted, I had ecg, blood tests etc etc and it turns out I am fine. My heart rate IS fast (around 90-120 normally) but it goes even faster when I get anxious. they didnt offer any advice and just sent me on my way now I am terrified my heart is suddenlt going to go out of control for some reason.

I wasnt worried about my heart before - I certainly am now!


07-12-08, 12:34
Hey pele33.
I can kind of relate to what your going through!
My heart on a normal day beats between 78-90, but on days where i feel my anxiety is bad my heart beats up to 127-40 bpm, which completely freaks me out and brings on panic attacks. Ive had sooo many ECGs ive lost count (All came back normal) Ive had 2 48 hour heart recordings and been for an echocardiogram. My doctor is constantly telling me my heart is fine. I just cant seem to tell myself that. I also get chest pain, which my doctor said is down to anxiety. Ive getting into a really bad habit of monitoring my pulse.

Its completely changed my life, i find now that i cant drink alcohol at all, as itl set my heart of racing.

07-12-08, 12:43
Hi Pele33 - If you suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, it is thought that it's best to avoid alcohol, caffeine chocolate and even sugar in extreme cases. It is a myth that alcohol relaxes you, it has the opposite effect. Also, if I feel a "blip" in my chest, my fingers immediately go to my neck to feel my pulse, and I feel the rate rise just because I am scared! - It's a vicious circle, so it's best to try deep abdominal breathing and NOT feel your pulse.

07-12-08, 16:22
That is EXACTLY how i feel Skippy46.
The feeling your pulse this is a terrible habbit, wish i could get out of it :(

07-12-08, 19:29
Thanks guys ! My Gp is constantly tellin me my heart is fine but it hard to believe, i am seriously devloping a bad habit of pulse feeling

05-09-16, 11:39
Hi Pele33 - If you suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, it is thought that it's best to avoid alcohol, caffeine chocolate and even sugar in extreme cases. It is a myth that alcohol relaxes you, it has the opposite effect. Also, if I feel a "blip" in my chest, my fingers immediately go to my neck to feel my pulse, and I feel the rate rise just because I am scared! - It's a vicious circle, so it's best to try deep abdominal breathing and NOT feel your pulse.

I can relate to you here. I keep trying to ponder how i got into the habit of feeling the heart rate all the time but it has become an obsession which in turn causes more panic and more distress.
In 2 months 14 hospital visits, chest x-ray, bloods taken, etc. my panic is the panic of having the panic.
Legs are a problem to, can not use them, dare not use them because of panic so i,m stuck with legs that are so unfit i am a mess.
I have to say one thing though, my heart is a tough cookie and if there was anything wrong in any way with either it or my arteries they would of given up by now. blood pressures hitting 170/122 h/r 150 and i am still here :)

05-09-16, 12:27
Thanks guys ! My Gp is constantly tellin me my heart is fine but it hard to believe, i am seriously devloping a bad habit of pulse feeling

If you think logically, monitoring heart-rate is medical school 101, and if they got a sniff something was wrong with your heart they'd send you straight to A&E. Positive thoughts, and trust a professional when they say you're OK. :)