View Full Version : Walked in to Middle of Robbery

30-11-08, 17:53
I stupidly walked right in to the middle of a car robbery (neighbors car) late last night about 3:00 a.m.

I woke up hearing a car windshield being smashed. I went out, but couldn't see very well in the dark. So I went back in for a flashlight. I went back out to check on my own car, and coming around the back end of my car, I saw them robbing the neighbors car next door.

There were two of them, and one of them and me just froze when our eyes met. He jumped as if to run, then he just stood there as if defiant. I continued to walk around my car, and walked back to my house. I went up to a bedroom window, then yelled out to them. They then ran. I called the police, then got the neighbors up out of bed.

My heart was pounding so fast and so hard I think it would have given someone else in less health a heart attack -- either on the spot, or shortly thereafter. I'm glad they didn't have a gun . . . or if they did, that they didn't use it. I think me playing it cool (on the outside) made all the difference.

Today I'm feeling the after-effects: heart beating faster than usual, dull headache, a little jittery inside, etc. Not the best thing to happen to anyone with a penchant for panic (or just recovering from many months fighting a relapse).

Well, on the other hand, I'm here, alive, and able to post this message, so all is not lost. Life goes on (as they say).

30-11-08, 18:00
Well all I can say is I am glad you are still here to be able to post about it!

What an awful thing to experience, I do hope you consider some counselling to allay your fears

:bighug1: to you


30-11-08, 18:00
How scary was that .I know how you feel as I've been in the same situation.
Hope you're recovering from the aftershock
:scared15: :scared15: :scared15:

30-11-08, 18:02
aw you were still very brave! that must have been such a shock!

30-11-08, 18:06
Blimey - I hope the shock eases off quickly. You were sooooo brave - I wish my neighbours were as community minded as you.:bighug1:

Veronica H
30-11-08, 18:54
:bighug1: Hi, you were so brave. Be kind to yourself for a while now though as your body will need to recover from the shock. You are a great neighbour.


30-11-08, 21:04
:ohmy: oh my gosh!! well done for even going out..what a brave person you are!! your neighbours are lucky to have u!! xxx:bighug1:

30-11-08, 21:28
oh my god, how awful im so glad u r ok though, try to relax and im sure in a day or 2 u will b back to normal. hugs to u xxxxxxxxx

30-11-08, 22:01
Sometimes it's strange just how calm we panickers can be in a crisis!
Really glad to hear you're ok even though you are feeling a bit shaken at the moment..give yourself some time to get over the delayed shock.
I bet there are more than a few of us here in the UK who wish we had neighbours like you!
Take care :)

02-12-08, 13:19
Staying calm in those situations is the best thing to do. Easier said than done I know, but it is.

Well done.

Just... why did you continue to check your own car, when you saw they were robbing next doors car and they'd seen you?

If you'd found a smashed window in your car, with them stood there, what would you have done?

What did you shout at them from your window??

Going inside and calling the cops is the best plan if that happens. At the end of the day a car isn't worth dying over, especially not someone elses car.

02-12-08, 18:04
Just... why did you continue to check your own car, when you saw they were robbing next doors car and they'd seen you?

I was coming around the rear end of my car when we saw each other. I didn't know they were out there until that point in time.

If you'd found a smashed window in your car, with them stood there, what would you have done?

I would have asked them if they happend to have a spare window I could borrow.

What did you shout at them from your window??

"Please pass the sweet and sour shrimp".

Going inside and calling the cops is the best plan if that happens. At the end of the day a car isn't worth dying over, especially not someone elses car.

OK. Thank you.

02-12-08, 18:06
Blimey,very brave...and good on you for doing what you did! I would have **** myself and pegged it straight back in the house. xxx

02-12-08, 21:37
Crikey! What a situation to find yourself in, especially in the dead of the night.

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