View Full Version : Scary Sleep Paralysis Last Night, Anyone had these?

30-11-08, 20:41
I had a terribly, horrifying experience last night. I had only been asleep about an hour when it happened. I really felt like I was awake, with my eyes open, but maybe i wasn't. I felt like maybe I was having a stroke, like something was so wrong in my head and I even felt like I had covered one eye and was blind in the other. However, I felt like I couldn't move at all! Like I was totally paralyzed but awake. I remember calling my husbands name, I swear I heard my own voice calling and it sounded strange, I tried so hard to move. Then I felt like I was moving a leg and kept nudgiing my sleeping husband to help me. (He said later, he felt nothing and heard nothing) I then felt okay, could move every thing and realized I was okay. I guess I was dreaming the whole thing but it seemed so real. It was so scary. Has anyone else had this? I know I have been under a lot of stress the last couple of weeks, ever since I had a bad "head rush" experience at the grocery store where I felt weak and had to call someone to pick me up. I am such a wreck. I guess I have the fear that all this can't be anxiety. There must be something wrong with me. How will I ever get better if I always have doubts? SO SICK OF THIS!!!

01-12-08, 01:42
Hi hun :D :hugs:

I do know how dame scary this can be, my heart goes out to you :hugs:

YES, I have had sleep paralysis, hunny, it can be dame hard to know if you where dreaming or not, I know for myself, I always new the differance. I had this the other night, BUT, it does not scare me anymore, Mmm, well it did'nt the other night. Just thought, "ohhh here we go again" under a little stress myself at the mo. I am panic, high anxiety free because of this great site :yesyes:

This link, may contain triggers, meaning, it may trigger some anxiety regarding your sleep problem. I would feel horrible if it did cause you anymore stress :hugs:


Has this happend before? It is a know fact that when under alot of stress in can cause alot of sleep problems. I have had times when I thought I was awake and I was not, Mmm, this has happend a good few times. YES, you quest, been having this problem the past week, putting it down to dealing with ?????? (feel I can deal with this on my own, ) but for me, dealing with a Mmm, not a problem, but dealing with something improtant in my life and due on a period, ohhh boy, does it mess about with my dreams and sleep.

Hunny, :hugs: if you have not had this before, I would just put it down to a bad nights sleep and leave it at that, it may never happen again.

Sometimes if your anxiety is high and you go reading into things it MAY (note the work MAY) trigger more anx over the issue. I know for me, putting less importants on my night problems helps soo much.

If you do wish to chat about this more, thats ok. This can be such a horrible thing to happen, not knowing and understanding whats happening is very, very scary.

If you scroll down to the bottom of this page, there are other threads regarding this.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE, please NEVER think that :hugs:


Wishing you a good nights sleep


01-12-08, 02:22

Thanks for the reply. It helps reading the posts that others have written
about this. It does sound like what I had. I've had something similar before
but it wasn't as scary. I had taken a nap and felt like someone was standing
beside the bed and I was trying so hard to open my eyes, but I couldn't. Last night was scarier because I felt that something bad was happening to
me, like a stroke or something. But I was fine when I woke up so I guess I
was dreaming it. It sure was scary. Anyway, I'll just put it down to stress, I have really been down lately. My only child is driving on the freeway tonight
for the first time. His learning to drive has been the hardest thing for me! He is such a good kid and means everything to me. Letting him grow up and
drive is really hard. Sometimes I wish he was still little and could just stay home so I know he's safe.

Thanks again for replying.

Rachey poos
01-12-08, 08:06
hi hun , i have never has this myself but my husband gets it regular..... he said the other morning he woke up several times ...but never he was dreaming he was waking,,,,, then this weird thing happened where his eyes opened and he was fully aware of his surroundings but for the life of him could not move a muscle..... he says it dont worry him cos he saw a proggramme about it on tv...apparently its when only part of the brain wakes up before the other.... doesnt mean there is anything wrong its just a strange biological happening with the human brain....can be brought on by stress or even excitement and can happen after sex!

01-12-08, 11:49
heya hun,

like rach i have never had this, but my fiance has this especially if he gets overtired or stressed.

He cannot move, not even open his eyes but her is awake. He (in his own mind) is shouting my name to wake him up...but all I hear is a weird wailing sort of noise, then i know i have to wake him up. But he really believes he is calling my name!

I really feel for you, must be a truely horrifying experience.

Char xxx

01-12-08, 12:13
I sometimes when trying to sleep instantly fall into sleep paralysis state. It begins as a loud noise in my head, and I suddenly can't move and start hallucinating like crazy. Last time I had a feeling that my heart rate was like 1000 bpm, it FELT REAL but I knew it was only a hallucination/dream. Then I felt like someone sat on me, I tried to turn around but of course I couldn't move, some heavy body, like a bear or something. It used to be scary but now it's just bizarre and somewhat interesting!