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View Full Version : Ectopics again, again!!

01-12-08, 08:20
Hello all.

After months of doing really well we've had a very stressful time at home and without warning my ectopics have come back with avengance.
Have been getting them for what feels like all day everyday for the past couple of weeks.
Have had the 24 hour tape, an ECG or 7 and even an Echo, all with the same conclusion - benign ectopic beats.
Sometimes I'm ok and can accept they are harmless but other times (usually at night) the panic rises and there's nothing I can do to stop it.
I really don't want to go back to the Doctor's as I've had all the tests and have been told the diagnosis won't change, my heart is and was fine. I also can't take Beta Blockers because of my Asthma.
I feel like I'm stuck in the never ending spiral again and I really don't like it.
Anyone else plagued continually ?? Anyone tried Magnesium/Calcium supplements??

Thanks for listening x

01-12-08, 08:43
Hi Dizzy, I'm so sorry you are plagued again by the ectopics, they are so distressing, and I have been getting them most of the time for the last year or so, the only way I can forget them for a bit is to do something like housework, gardening or going out for a walk, but as soon as I settle in a chair they come to my notice again. I had the 24 hour heart monitor and the comment by the doctor on my result was "you get your fair share of ectopics", but he assured me that they were harmless, not that that helps when your heart is banging away.

It sounds like the stress you are under is giving you your ectopics at the moment and they should settle when things get a bit calmer for you, but that doesn't help you at the moment, and I am sorry that I can't offer any helpful advice. I haven't tried any tablets for them, so can't advise on that either. but I just wanted to assure you that the ectopics can't harm you in any way. I do hope that you feel a lot better soon.