View Full Version : visual disturbances

01-12-08, 09:26
I was wondering if there is anyone else, who suffers with anxiety and ocd and sees (i will describe it as best I can) moving energy through the air, like swirls and sometimes its like I see faces in the air and outline which looks like a person. Lol its like seeing a ghost I guess. I hope it isnt a ghost, just wondering if anyone else has similar experience, with visual stuff. Also moving blobs, etc. These are all see through and they are like electricity sort of thing. My psychologist tells me its to do with my anxiety that im projecting things etc.


01-12-08, 09:37
Hi Sylvia

Visual disterbances are very common with anxiety, i have had this problem many many times. Last week when i was at work i got the flashing light and black dot in my eye it was quite scarey too! It lasted for about 3 minutes then went.

Heres a link too that may help hun...


01-12-08, 09:37
yes, i do. i see more the more anxious or tired i am. it's very disconcerting as i get visual migraines too and i'm often not sure which one it is until it's lasted for a few seconds - i end up scaring myself a lot thinking that it's a migraine starting when it isn't.

01-12-08, 09:40
Hi Emma

I actually read on the internet that these kind of visual disturbances are instead of a migraine. i geuss its all down to stress and tension in the head and eye muscles isnt it.

Ohh dont we just love anxiety:weep: !


01-12-08, 09:48
Hi and thankyou for your responses. It is scarey for me, I once use to believe that i had psychic abilities and could see energy, ghost etc. I have since, shut the door to all that as Im not interested. I get so afraid that im seeing spirits that I panick. Ofcourse these days Im doubting that I was actually seeing anything spiritual and that it was more part of my ocd and anxiety and imagination. It is upsetting for me, to see these disturbances as they look like outlines of heads, shoulders, moving, but like outline and electricity,mind you the more i look and focus, the more I see, so my imagination has to be playing a part in this.

Does anyone else see faces in the air, when they are looking?

sorry a bit panicked here.

01-12-08, 09:56
Hi Sylvia

Im sure hun that it is your imagination thats causing the images. thinking about last week when i had the electrical zig zag vision in my eye(i can still remember it clearly) I think if i tried to think of it as a object it could have been the outline of something. maybe a person. Im sure its all your imagaination hun so please try not to worry. Remember too that anxiety is soo good at playing games with our minds.:ohmy:

Just out of curiosity too Sylvia, do you have a big TV? since we moved to our new home we have got a bigger TV (50ins)and i keep telling my hubby the tv isnt helping with my vision problems it seems to have made it worse:weep: .
