View Full Version : NOT TOO WELL

21-06-05, 02:50
my 5mth old is ill. I fed him at just after 1am and his breathing was well the only way to explain is abnormal-shallow breathing. To cut a long story short I am still awakenow waiting for dr to ring me and I feel really weird because I know that by 7am I will be up with my 5yr old and my 5mth old will still be waking 4 another feed b4 then. I just know that I will be absolutely shattered and my anxiety will be bad. I am worrying before its even happened but I have got a headache now and I think the anxiety is creeping up om me now. I am angry at the dr cuz they take ages to ring you bk, in their eyes he is just anothere person on the list. Well I will let u all know how he is in the morning-if i dnt reply then it may be that they have took baby in but i hope it doesnt come to that. You can never b too safe where children are concerned.

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

21-06-05, 03:52
Hi Steno

Hope the doctor has now called and all is well with your son.

It is natural to worry when children are ill, whether you suffer from anxiety or not. However, I hope the doctor has put your mind at rest.

Let us know how he is in the morning.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

21-06-05, 07:45
Hi Steno

Please let us know how it all went last night with the dr.

I feel for you.

A big hug


21-06-05, 08:20
It was after 3am when the dr rang bk and because jamie-tom was asleep they didnt even bother to cum out. In the end I was up from 1:15 until 5am and up agen at 6:30am.
Jamie-tom is still really ill this morning and keeps crying but wont settle with his dad so he will have to see a dr this morning. I am gonna complain about the way I was treated last night, the receptionist hung up the phone on me cuz I had no transport to get him up there. I am really tired and really stressed out...
I will keep you informed and thankyou for your support...[Sigh...]

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

21-06-05, 08:24
Steno - poor you. Maybe the heat is bothering baby, I am sure you will feel much happier after seeing the doctor this morning.

Look after yourself.

Angie x

21-06-05, 08:25
thanks angieb

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

21-06-05, 08:34
Hi Steno - hope it gets sorted out today


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

21-06-05, 09:47
Hi Steno

Poor you, i hope everything is ok like Angie said it is vey hot at night it maybe upsetting Jamie Tom.

Luv Barb x

21-06-05, 10:51
Hi Steno,

Thinking of ya and hope you baby gets better - im sure it is probably just the heat.

Let us know.

Tatty B xx

21-06-05, 12:37
Well he has bn the drs and they are concerned about his temperature. They av given sum calpol and he has to go bk 2morro at 11am.
They dnt know exactly wot was up with him last nite either.
He is still pale and very grizzly. I will keep you posted on how he is doing.

Thankyou you all for your support.

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

21-06-05, 12:51
Hi Steno

Big hug hunny (((()))))

Nothing worse than a poorly baby, do remember though that they bounce back ever so quickly. Have you been getting enough fluids into him, not just milk but cooled boiled water?

My five year old had heat rash all over her this morning and she loves the sunny weather. This mini heatwave came out of no where really.

Take care for now.


21-06-05, 14:39
Hi Steno

A big hug to you also.

I know where your coming from. Had this when my oldest was younger.

Aren't drs really crap when yopu need then and as for the receptionist, I know what I would like to do to her.

Loads o love


21-06-05, 15:44
I av bn trying him with cooled boiled water and his milk and all he has took is 1oz water and 9oz milk.

I rang dr bk and his dad as took him bk agen. I am hoping they will give him di-oralite to keep him from dehydration. Thanks for continued advice and support...

I will b intouch agen.
Thankyou all


All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

21-06-05, 16:30
Hi Steno

Hope baby is better, I'm sure the GP will sort him out this afternoon.

Thinking of you

Take care

Elaine x

21-06-05, 17:38
Hi Steno

Hope everything is OK and the doctor managed to sort him out.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

21-06-05, 17:57
Hi Steno

My grandaughter who is 2 woke up screaming last night she was burning up as well. She slept all morning and my so fetched her round at lunch she was still burning up and her eyes look heavy. She bucked up a bit after having Calpol
but was still hot. I am sure she got too much sun over the weekend it was 90% and i did warn them. I know its much more worrying with a little baby though keep us in touch.

Barb x

21-06-05, 18:07
Hi, Im Dee and new here, Have you tried damping him down with luke warm water, just wetting his hair will cool him down, and maybe get a fan but NOT directly on him.

All the best Dee.

21-06-05, 20:35
Hi Steno

Sorry to hear about all that..
I hope your son will feel better soon and you also..
Take care for now.


**Don't believe everything you think .**

Sue K with 5
22-06-05, 01:07
Hi Steno

I know this might be a little late in terms of advise but, sometime in this heat babies become very congested and go right off their food, the congestion sounds makes a babies breathing very shallow and is quite scarey, I am a firm beleiver in steam bathrooms for congestion or even getting a vapouriser for the room to help with the breathing, if you cant get hold oh one, try some babies vicks in a steam hot bowl of water and put it under the cot, heat rises and will allow the vapours to circulate.

Dont worry about the baby not feeding, I mean lets face who wants to eat in the heat, as long as you are giving plent of boiled water its fine.

In terms of your sleep Steno, l know its not easy but try and sleep during the day, I know its not easy with a toddler but you have got to keep your strength up.

Ask someone in you family or a friend to come and take her and the baby just for a few hours so you can play catch up. Being a mother is hard going, you are doing a great job

Hope things work out

Sue with 5 children


22-06-05, 07:48
Well the Dr gave no di-oralite. He is worse than ever this morning. He woke for a feed at 12:30am and wouldnt settle bk off. I ended up waking hubby up to bring the pram upstairs and rocked him all night (every time I stopped wen he had dropped he woke up screaming). At 4:30am I'd had enough so I took his rocking carseat up and rocked him in that. He fell asleep quickly in that (if only I'd tried that first lol). I went sleep then at 6:30am my 5yr old woke up...
Shortly after jamie-thomas (baby) woke up and has been coughing and crying ever since.[|)][|)]... Hope the Dr does something for him today. I cant cope not being able to help baby

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

22-06-05, 07:51
Thanks Deeco and welcome to the forum. Yeah got temp down with damp cloth. That works better than the calpol if u ask me...

I will reply agen when he has bn the Drs

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

22-06-05, 07:54
thank sue, i av family but they wrk. When i sleep in the day i av woke up on the odd occasion with a major panic attack and now i fear sleeping in the day...

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

22-06-05, 12:47
Hi Steno, I was wondering if your having or ever had professional help with your anxiety! It might be a good idea. more GP's are more up up date theres days regarding anxiety. im about to start CBT in a couple of weeks at my local surgery, im also on Cipramil which is really helping me. Hows baby today? i can understand how you feel i have 2 kids, youngest is 2, and when he was a baby i my anxiety was worse because you just want to take the best care of him. Take care Dee.

22-06-05, 12:51
I am ill. My hubby has had to take him hospital because of his

temperature. I av never bn away from him for more than half an hour.

Even when I'm on the phone or typing in here he is with me.

I feel that I can't cope...

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

22-06-05, 13:07
If you are feeling panicy now, you can try the 7 - 11 breathing technique! you breath in slowly into your stomach not you chest for 7 seconds then breath out more slowly for 11 seconds, do this laying back in a comfy chair or on ya bed.
Your hubby as taken him to hospital so he's in good hands, its just a waiting game, i know its not nice, can you ring him on a mobile maybe. Try the 7 - 11, it helps me. Take care.

22-06-05, 17:00
Hang on in there Steno - be strong for your baby.

You know your little boy is not well and you have done everything in your power to get him help.

He is now in the safest place and will be back home soon and a whole lot happier I am sure.

Be kind to yourself, make yourself sit down, deep breathe and relax. Easier said than done, I would be rocking but you know it makes sense.

Hang on in there...we are all here for you.

Big hug ...Angie

22-06-05, 17:02
Still waiting for results from blood tests results. I am really anxious my legs are wobbly and I feel like i cnt breathe. I am tired and feel sick cant eat or think straight my vision is bad.

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

22-06-05, 17:37
If you cant eat anything make sure you drink water or diluted orange something like that, you dont want to get dehydrated. Take care Dee.

22-06-05, 17:49
UPDATE- they cnt find anything up with jamie-tom so they are letting him cum home...

THANKYOU, THANKYOU, THANKYOU for all your support and well wishes, it has meant alot to me...


All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

22-06-05, 18:06
:)Glad he's ok, and i bet you feel a hole lot better now. All the best.

Take Care Dee.

22-06-05, 19:20
I am so glad your baby is ok ,i really felt for you,

Take care of yourself andtry and get some sleep


22-06-05, 19:28
Thats great news Steno!:D

It must put your mind at ease knowing that he is fine :D

Tatty B xx

22-06-05, 19:51
yeah he is still poorly but i'm glad he's back...

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

22-06-05, 23:22
Glad all is well Steno


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

23-06-05, 02:26
I'm glad everything is ok Steno.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

25-06-05, 17:26

Just caught up with this post.

Hope the baby is ok now and you are managing to get some well earned sleep after all that.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"